If anyone thinks this CBO revision on taxes due because of ObamaCare is the final word, they know nothing about American political history.

<<<<  If he wins re-election, here is his tax plan and it effects all middle class working Americans  -  all 160 million of them

Business owners will pay $4 billion more in taxes under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA)  than the Congressional Budget Office had previously expected.

[This does not include an addition $100 million per year, and rising,  as cost for the more than 400 regulations assessed against business - blog editor]

“According to the updated estimates, the amount of deficit reduction from penalty payments and other effects on tax revenues under the ACA will be $5 billion more than previously estimated,” the CBO reported today. “That change primarily effects a $4 billion increase in collections from such payments by employers, a $1 billion increase in such payments by individuals, and an increase of less than $500 million in tax revenues stemming from a small reduction in employment-based coverage, which will lead to a larger share of total compensation taking the form of taxable wages and salaries and a smaller share taking the form of nontaxable health benefits.”

In short, CBO revised the Obamacare tax burden upward by $4 billion for businesses and $1 billion to $1.5 billion for individual workers. (text from the Washington Examiner)  

Know what "they" told us regarding the cost of Social Security?  Answer: it would cost nothing,  fully funded from paycheck deductions.  Turns out it has incurred 18 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.   Medicare was initially fully funded,  but in just 50 years,  has managed to grow a 39 trillion dollar debt . . . . . .  get the drift?  Understand the history?  

And, finally,  why on earth do the Democrats not see the wet blanket effect of hundreds of millions in added cost to business because of tax increases and regulatory costs???  How uniformed must one be, not to realize that the more cost you lay on business,  the fewer businesses you will have.  Almost makes one wonder if the Feds,  via taxes,  is not plotting the takeover of private sector business.  


  1. CBO: Repealing Obamacare would increase deficit by $109 billion Fact.

  2. Soooo, you think that the ObamaCare Tax act is a money making machine? You have absolutely no history to support your claim. I could not care less about the CBO projection. None, I say "NONE" of the government's projections regarding any of its special projects have proved themselves to be true.

    Only a fool believes otherwise, but you're a one world, collectivist Democrat, so what do you know? Just don't come here and tell us this lie.
