Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard theorist, simplifies a very complicated economic picture.

 Without even hinting at how she would pay for solution,  Warren demonstrates  what is wrong with the Big Government model on economic recovery and the Democrat Party.  

Understand that Warren will criticize Bush for spending too much while,  at the same time,  talk about spending more and more and more.  Apparently she believes the decision to spend money on infrastructure,  a state by state responsibility, is a simple one,  a question of will and nothing else.  

Never mind the fact that Central Government borrows 42% of each dollar its spends on anything.  Never mind that we pay for this deficit in borrowed money. 
How we fund our deficit? 
Over the past four years,  Obama has run a yearly deficit of more than 1.3 trillion dollars, on average,  compared to Bush and his $510 billion average deficit  -  nearly two thirds less than Obama.  We pay for all this by increasing our receipts from  China,  Japan, Republic of Ireland, Singapore, Thailand, Mexico, India, Turkey, South Korea, Norway, France and Israel, Chile, Sweden, Philippines and Colombia, the sale of Treasury Bills and the reallocation of revenues ( collected taxes ) such as the reassignment of Medicare receipts and Social Security.  Understand that “reallocation” is a fancy word for “theft,”  the Central Government taking paycheck deductions designated for Medicare and Social Security and spending  those funds for other programs.   Over the years,  this spending idiocy has put Social Security 19 trillion in the hole with the Boomers coming into its purview at the rate of 10,000 per day for the next 14 years and Medicare, 39 trillion in the hole. 

Warren, a theorist, sees no limits to borrowing money
When Warren glibly talks about spending money on infrastructure,  she is talking about the continuation of paycheck graft,  borrowing from ourselves (T-Bills),   begging from those nations outside our boundaries in perpetuity and the blatant misappropriation of paycheck receipts  . . . . and she makes it sound so simple. 

It is doomsday, financially,  and Warren is either unaware of that fact,  or simply does not understand the seriousness of the situation. 

Our total debt compared to world's combined economies
Our gross debt including Social Security and Medicare is more than the combined economies of the entire world  -  68 trillion dollars.  Yes,  if you add up the annualized budgets of every nation in this world,  that would total 68 trillion ---  our total indebtedness exceeds this amount. 

Even moderate Republicans understand the problem. 
Her opponent is Scott Brown.  He understand what is happening.  Let’s hope against reality that Massachusetts voters will see the importance of commonsense and fiscal responsibility.   

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