The 2012 Election: A choice between Intranational Radicalism and a return to the traditional values that made this nation great for all its people.

Make no mistake,  this election is a choice between two America’s, alright.  One is a nation whose founding documents have provided the verbiage,  the necessary wording and thought,  to continue the goodness of a free State while it allows for the righting of egregious wrong doing.  The other is an America that has been over-run by the communal forces that threatened us back in the days of JFK.  Some of us remember the words of Soviet Russia’s Khrushchev  when he predicted,  “You will be destroyed from within.”

That time now.    

Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan,  Van Jones,  Eric Holder,  Professor Gates,  Professor Elizabeth Warren,  Professor Elena Kagan, Michelle Obama,  Kathleen Sebelius,  the summer school teacher and organizer  Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,  Charles Schumer,  Maxine Waters and her cohorts in the Congressional Black Caucus,   the New Black Panthers, Gas Sunstein,  Janet Napolitano,   are all looking forward to a “lame duck presidency” that will be anything but “lame duck.” 

Understand that Obama has been testing his second term strategy for three years. 

If he is the only survivor of the 2012 election,  if he loses the Senate (as is most likely the case) and fails to win back the House,  he has learned how to avoid Congressional restraints as he rules as an Imperialist Rogue President.  He knows that nothing short of impeachment,  will prevent him from accomplishing what he intends for this country.  He can “do it all”  via regulation and executive order.  He can use “executive privilege” to avoid any demand for transparency.  He has his own federal staff,  complete with transportation,  offices,  and supplies  (remember those 40 Czars with their individual staffs ?).  And he has the threat of martial law. 

What Jeremiah Wright has to say,  is what Obama believes.  You have this excerpt.  You may want to read the full article.   

 As reported in Politico,  we have this call to black radicalism:

President Barack Obama’s former spiritual adviser spoke just a few miles from the White House on Sunday, and politics and controversy weren’t far from what Rev. Jeremiah Wright had to say.
“As we celebrate the foundations of our future, this is not a time to romanticize because we have the first African-descended president in the White House,” Wright said in a fiery sermon that lasted close to an hour. “You see what the tea party is trying to do.”

Speaking at Washington’s Florida Avenue Baptist Church, which marks its 100th anniversary this week, Wright urged parishioners to teach their children true African-American history and not to cede their educations to “our enemies” who teach “his story,” one that “distorts our story, disses our story.”

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  1. They are regressives... they can not change, they fear change, they pine for the days gone by, their glory years when they were young. They have no future, they'll soon die. America will move forward and continue to be great, long after the ankle biters like Smithson is gone.

  2. We have a future AND a plan and we have had the plan for 236 years. What exactly is your plan? One World _____________________________________________________ /// fill in the blank with "borderless communities -- no more 'nations,' " or a caring imperialist regime, or a system that insists on "fairness" and "wealth equally distributed to all" except for our gracious leaders who are entitled to wealth beyond imagination and power that is irresistible. What is your plan, you commie tent dweller?

    You people are political leaches who feed off established institutions and governments. You are afraid to spell out the specifics of your rebellion.

  3. Who is radical"
    Fox News:

    Higher wages - terrible for workers

    Lowering the minimum wage helps workers:

    Pollution is good for the planet:
