Reporter angers our Presidential Primadonna as Oby explains his "end around congress" on Friday. [see the video]

Understand this: a respectful, compliant, press corps is the clearest indication that freedom has been lost. 

Daily Caller reporter, Neil Munro, was scolded by a very thin skinned Obama, for interrupting his immigration presser with this timely question “Why’d you favor foreigners over Americans?”.

The incident is being reported with these words:  In a surprising breach of etiquette, President Barack Obama's Rose Garden remarks on Friday were interrupted by heckling from reporter Neil Munro  [from the Marxist blog, Politico].   Now that a Democrat is president,  reporters are not allowed to question the president whether he wants the questions or not.  Apparently,  all the media talking heads, including Chris Wallace at FoxNews,  have conveniently forgotten David Greggory's accusatory style whenever he questioned George Bush.   Understand that Obama had intended to avoid press questions,  altogether.  

Today,  the Daily Caller published a defense/explanation of the Friday incident:

Neil Munro, White House Correspondent: “I always go to the White House prepared with questions for our president. I timed the question believing the president was closing his remarks, because naturally I have no intention of interrupting the President of the United States. I know he rarely takes questions before walking away from the podium. When I asked the question as he finished his speech, he turned his back on the many reporters, and walked away while I and at least one other reporter asked questions.” (VIDEO: Reporter explains his Rose Garden exchange with Obama)
Tucker Carlson, Editor-in-Chief: “I don’t remember Diane Sawyer scolding her colleague Sam Donaldson for heckling President Reagan. And she shouldn’t have. A reporter’s job is to ask questions and get answers. Our job is to find out what the federal government is up to. Politicians often don’t want to tell us. A good reporter gets the story. We’re proud of Neil Munro.”
Neil Patel, Publisher: “The President today announced a very controversial policy and does not want to answer tough questions about it.  Neil Munro is a veteran Washington reporter who today tried his best to time his question to be first as the President was wrapping up his remarks.  He in no way meant to heckle the President of the United States.”


  1. This type of disrespect we see time and again from the right is clearly rooted in racism. Conservatives apparently only respect authority when it’s being wielded by white people.

  2. “I think it’s outrageous. I covered Ronald Reagan for six years with Sam Donaldson. We used to scream our lungs out asking questions, but we always waited until the president — any president — had finished speaking. The idea that you would interrupt the president in the middle of prepared remarks and shout a question — I don’t think the guy should be allowed back in the White House on a press pass, and my guess is he won’t be.”
    - Chris Wallace, FOX NEWS
