Obama wants to attack Governor Romney instead of Bain Capital Romney? Fine. Let's look at president Obama instead of "hope and change" Obama and compare his numbers, shall we? When finished, Romney will look like God's gift to the business sector. and Obama will look like Joe Biden.

In recent days,  the Obama campaign is telling folks that Romney held the 47th worst record when it came to job creation,  as Governor of Massachusetts.  What they do not tell you is this:  while job creation was a modest 1.5%, under Romney,  the unemployment rate fell from 5.6% to an amazing 4.6% rate.  In short and as it turns out,  there was no need for an expansive jobs creation action,  during Romney’s days as Governor. 

Let me say it plainly:  Romney did not create jobs (comparatively speaking) because everyone willing to work,  in Massachusetts,  was working.!!

As a sidebar,  ditto for George W Bush.  The Left is constantly talking about the low job-creation numbers under George Bush.  No one tells you that unemployment averaged 5.3% for his full eight year term, including 2008.  GDP numbers expanded every month for 52 consecutive months,  an American record not experienced under Bill Clinton or any other president.  

Conversely,  under Obama,  5 million folks have given up looking for work since 2008 and are no longer counted as “unemployed” by the Obama economists.   If we use the same numbers Obama was using in 2009 to count unemployment rates today,   instead of being 8.2%,  that rate would be 11.1%. 

 More than this,  the business community has shed 2,5 million jobs as it works to become “leaner and meaner,”  words,  I believe,  Obama has used, himself.  He wanted a “leaner and meaner” business economy.  Well,  now he’s got one and has no clue what to do with it . . . . . . . no clue. 

Look at what he is doing with the military.  He hopes to cut 2.5 million  troops out of military service,  nearly all of them “blue collar” workers.  And how does Obama plan to provide for their jobs needs?  Again,  the answer is,  “He has no clue.” 

The fact of the matter is this:  under an Obama government,  the jobs recession just might continue for years.  Know this:  no president has ever won re-election [since FDR] when unemployment was at or under 7.2%. 

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