Lessons learned from the recall: sometimes union lies don't work; Obama is running scared; and , well, Scott Walker won big.

<<<< CNN and with the remainder of the Far Left media used "exit polling"  throughout the election day,  in an effort to influence the election in the favor of a union victory.  In fact, the election results were never in doubt and Walker won by 7%.   "50/50" was always a lie.  

A progressive pundit writing for The Hill begins "the morning after" complaining about the Administration's failure as relates to the Wisconsin recall election: 

Whether it's Scott Walker or Tom Barrett, there is an overwhelming view of Wisconsin Democrats, national Democrats and liberal and labor groups that President Obama and national Democrats should have done far more to support Barrett. (link)

The article goes on to posit a huge Left wing backlash that will ignite the sleepers within the Democrat party.  What the author (Brent Budowshy) does not understand is this: Obama's involvement would not have made any difference.  Libs do not get the point that "elections matter."  And,  the recall election was as much a protest against the immaturity of the state's public union leadership as it was a referendum in favor of Scott Walker.  In fact,  both sides of the aisle need not forget this fact.  

Sidebar:  Obama told the Democrat state caucuses - six months ago - there would be no money coming from the DNC  to help with local elections.  

Yesterday, Walker won by a margin of between 7 and 8 points.   In 2010, the margin of victory was 5 points.  I believe the increased margin of victory can be attributed to both voter angst with the recall, itself,  and the startling success Scott Walker's policies have had in less than a year and half.  

For certain,  we learn that a politician can survive the garbage coming from our socialist public unions when challenged to fiscal responsibility.   Much of the problem in Wisconsin started when Governor Walker asked union members to pay 12% of the cost of their heatlhcare and pay 5% toward their retirement packages.  He did not reduce the retirement packages, themselves.  And,  in the end,  unemployment dropped from 7.7% to 6.7% within the State,  no one in the public sector lost their job(s),  and their pay scale continues to average 20% more than the private sector worker who pays the salaries of public workers.  

Conclusion:  conservatives have much work ahead of them, to be sure.  But,  thinking that the Wisconsin defeat will only ignite a huge national backlash vote resulting in Democrat victories in the fall,  is just plain silly.  Can Democrats win in November?  Of course.  But they will not win if they believe that the American people are fine with the status quo.  If nothing else,  Wisconsin proves this point. 


  1. Good day. Walker is neutered as Dems take control of the WI Senate, Obama crushed Romney in all WI exit polls.... 9 to 12 points.

  2. Walker is "neutered." Did you know that the Wisconsin Senate does not meet again until the first of the year, 2013 - after the coming election -- assuming that your side does not run and hide in Illinois again.

    Maybe you missed the report that the union choice for this re-call did not survive the primaries, that 7,000 members have quit the teacher's union and 33,000 have quit the states second largest union. Turns out the unions raped the Democrat party in Wisconsin.

    Your comments are both irrelevant and insanely out of touch with reality. There are no Democrats on the national scene who believe that the Wisconsin elections went their way.

  3. The GOP has come a LONG way since Ronald Reagan, the 6 term union president of the AFL-CIO affiliated Screen Actors Guild.

    "one of the most elemental human rights is the right to belong to a free trade union." -- Ronald Reagan.
