Gallup claims 52% of Republicans blame Bush for the crisis we are experiencing today. Here is why that is funny/bogus.

New Gallup poll shows that Bush is blamed for the current economic crisis,  after 3 years of failure on the part of Obama,  by a margin of 68% to 52%.

Understand that I never post a partisan poll without first, reviewing the methodological statements used to justify the polling data.  Public Policy Polling,  for example, is seldom used by me because of its consistent “stacking” principle,  more than often stacking the opinion of the poll with a 58/45 split,  Democrats to Republicans.  

When I went to the Gallup section justifying its poll,  it had closed one page of information and failed to give even a hint at how the poll’s demographics were figured.  The poll was 40/60 cell phone versus land lines, and only one question was reproduced,  question number 15.  Usually, a group of two, three or four questions are related to each other.  We were denied that information.  In 5 years of blogging,  I have seldom seen such incompetence in the offering of polling information. 

When a poll fails to presents its “justification,”  polling results,  if extreme,  can give insight into the bias of the particular poll.  Those of us who are conservative (me) or “Republican,”  know full well that 52% of Republicans do not blame Bush primarily,  for the crisis we are now witnessing,  in 2012. 

 Gallups tells us:   Interviews are conducted with respondents on landline telephones and cellular phones, with interviews conducted in Spanish for respondents who are primarily Spanish-speaking. Each sample includes a minimum quota of 400 cell phone respondents and 600 landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas among landline respondents by region. Landline numbers are chosen at random among listed telephone numbers, cell phone numbers are selected using random-digit dial methods. Landline respondents are chosen at random within each household on the basis of which member had the most recent birthday.

We all know that 68% of Democrats were born in the month of June**,  which gives insight as to the bias of this Gallup poll. 

** Source:  Scatological Studies in Digital Programming,  author,  May B. Faux,  June 16, 2011.  


  1. Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein, two old wonks who have been in Washington as long as the Potomac, wrote a book called “It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism” in which they basically say, flat out: it’s the Republicans who are crazy. And they wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post to go along with the book called, “Let’s Just Say It: The Republicans Are the Problem.”

    They write: “We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.” And they’re not saying Democrats are blameless and perfect.

    Ornstein and Mann start off their Post op-ed by noting that recently Rep. Allen West said that there are “78 to 81” Democrats in Congress who are members of the Communist Party. And not one Republican said, “Allen, come on. You’re making us look dumb.” Not one of the Republican candidates for president said anything. Because in today’s Republican Party, that’s not even radical anymore. This is the party of birthers, science deniers, racists, people who conjure up conspiracies about Obama a Muslim Marxist etc... The GOP has moved into the mental hospital.

  2. The Congressional Black Caucus has flown themselves to Cuba and Venezuela for the occasion of praising the Communist leaders of both countries. No self-respecting patriot would do such a thing and there are some 80 members of the CBC.

    Racism was invented by the Democrat Party. Woodrow Wilson and FDR each segregated the US Army during the war years. The KKK was solely populated by members of the Democrat Party. ALL the hangings, torture, church burnings, of blacks and "n----er lovers" were the work of Democrat church goers. In the 1950's, the first effort at a Civil Rights bill was denied because of Democrats and the leadership of LBJ. When the Civil Rights initiative was passed into law, more Republicans, percentage wise, voted for the bill than did Democrats. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a proud Republican.

    We have our birthers and you have your truthers. We have our science deniers and you have your junks science fanatics.

    None of the GOP leadership believes Obama is a Muslim. I, personally, do not believe he is a Christian, either, or he would not have ordered the name of "Jesus" covered over before he spoke at Georgetown, in 2009. He is an existential secularist (fancy phrase for "atheist") and a self serving egomaniac . . . . most dictators or wannabe dictators are.

  3. Living in the past again... today we have the teabaggers - the white KKKristian party. Doesn't matter who was racist 50 yrs ago, we know which side is racist today.
