Congressional figures from both the House and Senate, members of both parties, want security leaks to stop NOW.

“Today I sent a classified letter to the president outlining my deep concerns about the release of this information. I made it clear that disclosures of this type endanger American lives and undermine America’s national security.”  --  Diane Feinstein, June 5, 2012 as reported in the NY Times,  here.

What information?

This information:

     Back in 2010,  Obama agreed to release top secret information to the Russians,  information as to the size of England’s nuclear arsenal.  This was an Obama idea as he closed the New START treaty deal with our Communist adversary. 

     Obama threatened to expose Israel’s secrets as to its nuclear arsenal but decided to keep quiet on that point. 

     What of  that leak from our very secret service,  exposing the double agent out of Yemen, ending that clandestine spy program and exposing the agent to serious harm?

      After the death of Osama bin Laden Obama exposed Navy Seal Team Six and 12 weeks later,  23 of these patriots were killed as their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.   The Taliban took credit for this event as “retaliation” for Osama because of Obama's identification of Seal Team Six. 

     Israel had made a secret agreement with Turkey,  to use bases in that country in the event of an Israeli strike on Iran. The information came from American CIA sources.  The arrangement was exposed by the White House in a leaked news release. 

          After Osama was killed,  the doctor who helped to identify Osama’s location,  was deserted by the Obama Administration.  He was taken into custody and put in prison for the rest of life.  Obama,  coward that he is,  walked off and left this man to die.

     Two weeks ago,  we learned of a kill list Obama maintained.  The details of this list were “leaked” to the Times,  as Obama plays out the fantasy that he is some kind of tough guy.  

 Understand that all of these leaks either benefited Obama directly during this campaign season or support his agenda when it comes to war versus Iran or nuclear disarmament.  

Update:  last week,  Obama exposed our secret cyber-counter terrorism war as he claimed credit for a new cyber attack against Iran,  a strategy that had been secret for eight years,  but no more.  

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