<<<< Don't know what to say when one of your Leftist buds parrots one of her popular arguments against Right thinking? This post might help.
Original post by Paxton. Original rebuttal by J Smithson, blog editor:
I Didn’t Vote for Obama in 2008, but I’ll be First
To Do So in 2012
By Fay Paxton, cross-posted at The Pragmatic Pundit. (Don't be fooled by the title. She didn't vote for Obama only because she was traveling in some foreign country - blog editor)
[I don't know what "cross-posted" means. The fact is this: the original 12 point article was posted at The Pragmatic Pundit. The Soda Head clowns decided the article was too long for their purposes or too complicated for their readership, and cut the article to six points, all of which are borne of a "class warfare" mentality (I use "mentality" loosely) - blog editor].
[Also, you should know that Paxton is a retired real estate executive - a woman who made her fortune profiteering via capitalism, but is now a Leftist center piece bent on the destruction all things capitalistic. Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Soda Head, Progressive Pundit, Salon, the Obama's, Elizabeth Warren and so many other progressive entities and personalities, are all united in their use of capitalism to fund the destruction of capitalism. Understand this: there is no economic alternative for "upward mobility' within a society other than trickle down, old fashion, capitalism. Don't believe me? Talk to the Russians about the seven year plan they worked under for decades, or a financially successful Chinese commie -- or, better yet, try interviewing the poor in 'capitalist free' Cuba. -- blog editor ].
Ex-capitalist, Fay Paxton begins:
During the campaign, I was thousands of miles away,
but as I watched it unfold, it was painfully obvious to me that America is
nowhere near being post-racial and the southern strategy is not dead. I knew,
that if elected, Barack Obama would become the object of the keenest scrutiny
any President has ever been subjected to and his race, birthplace, indeed
birthright and religion would dominate social concerns. America has not
disappointed me. . . . . . . . . I would cast my vote for him in
2012 because his presidency calls upon all the ugliness that this nation needs
to face. And there are other reasons:
1. I’ll vote for Obama because I like the
idea that Wall Street has soured on the president. . . . . . . . . . If
you believe Obama’s policies are crippling when the stock market has reached an
all-time high, you’re an idiot.
[To which I say, "If you believe that Wall Street typifies the economic reality of the "street," you are the idiot."]
2. I’ll vote for Obama because I
appreciate the distance of so many members of the 1%. . . . . . . .
Some complain that the wealthy pay 40% of the income taxes…they
control 80% of the wealth, so I’m not certain they shouldn’t pay 80% of the
taxes. If you live in this country, you pay taxes . . . . .
somehow does not know that the top 26% of this country pay 76% of all taxes;
that the bottom 74% benefit from the equivalent of $2,700 per month
'assistance,' including housing, food stamps, free education, and
free medical care - with the current system of federal aid, there is no
such thing as "the poor" in a statistical sense, if one
attaches a monetary value to federal and local aid ]
3. I’ll vote for Obama to show the elite
they can’t buy the government. The likes of Sheldon Adelson can give a
candidate $20 million, but he still only has ONE vote. The Koch brothers can
finance all the Tea Parties they desire, but in the end, they can each only
submit one vote. Voters can defeat Citizens United. My vote for Obama will be a
strike against corporate rule.
[She apparently is not aware of the likes of George
Soros, Lewis Cullman, Stephen Bing, Susie Buell, Marcy Carsey, Ted
Kennedy and family members, Peter Lewis, John Kerry and his two
rich wives, Alida Messinger, Nancy
Pelosi, benefitting from her marriage to rich husband, Paul (her wealth grew from 21 million in ’09 to 35
million in 2010), Agnes Varis, Andrew Rappaport (a venture capitalist) , Greg and Maria Jobin-Leeds, Simon Rosenberg, Eliabeth Warren (worth 13 million), Linda Pritzker , John Harris IV -- all members of the "filthy rich club" within the Democrat Party. . . . . . . . . oh, I forgot to add "Fay Paxton" to this list]
4. I’ll vote for Obama to uphold and
celebrate the diversity that is America; to defy and deny all the racist
rhetoric that has consumed the nation since his election. . . . . . . . . . . .
[She leaves off the fact that Woodrow Wilson,
this nation's first full-blown progressive Democrat president, re-instated
segregation within the military as
did FDR. She forgets to mention that all of the hangings and
murders in the South were committed by Democrats and their KKK.
She refuses to admit the fact that the Democrat party ignored its black
membership when it came presidential election day, right up to the day they
fell in love with the Obama's. She forgets that the LBJ civil rights
bill of 1964 was voted down by a Democrat majority, during the Eisenhower
Administration, with LBJ driving that negative vote. She ignores
the fact that when the civil rights law was, finally, passed, under
LBJ, more Republicans - percentage wise - voted for its passage than
Democrats. And [lets be honest for a moment] Paxton leaves off the
fact that GOP
black membership includes no black pundit as ignorant as the likes of Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Bobby
Rush or an organizational concern communist oriented as the Castro loving
Congressional Black Caucus ]
5. I’ll vote for Obama because the nation
never respected his election, as if they had the right to disregard the votes
of millions of Americans; to disavow their voting rights with the
delegitimization of a candidate who was duly elected by the people. . . . . . .
. .
[What is so preposterous about this comment is the fact that Paxton and the Marxist hordes within her Social Democrat Party, did precisely the very thing she complains about in their treatment of George W Bush and Ronald Reagan. This comment is a trashy mischaracterization of the truth, even for someone as intelligent as Paxton.]
6. I’ll vote for Obama because I’ve seen
this Republican playbook before; when Clinton was in office and I can’t imagine
how anyone could possibly forget, they were “the party of No” then too.
Republicans even accused Clinton of murder. . . . . . They have no respect for the “whole” of America;
they think they are the only ones who have a right to govern and will drive
America to the brink of destruction for political gain.
[Paxton's point is nothing short of a [full] load of chunky-style barnyard. Think about, and how did Paxton forget (!!!??), under Clinton, he and the GOP majority legislated tax reform, a balanced budget (something the Social Democrats of today oppose), and one of the strongest economies of the modern era. As to accusing Clinton of murder? Look, there were rumors of Clinton and murder, but none of it rose to the level of a "popular opinion." In fact, those driving opposition to such rumors were, themselves, members of the Republican party. I am as Right as you get, and neither me nor anyone I knew, busied themselves in making such charges. Paxton fails to mention that these accusations were investigated by a Republican Special Prosecutor and found to be false - but when you are Fay Paxton or any other Progressive, anti-Capitalist, Lefty, who cares about the truth? -- besides, how many times was Bush accused of murder, huh ??? ]
Source(s): Soda
Head - a huge Leftist site made up of folks who care
nothing for accepted Constitutional values. The original article (a 12
point polemic, more than the 6 points found at Soda Head) was posted on The
Pragmatic Pundit, here and on Paxton's own blog at Salon, cleverly titled Fay Paxton's Blog. Salon is in its 17th year and is ranked 663 in the United States, out of the top on million blogs. Paxton is a retired real estate executive (a capitalist by profession, busy in her afterlife trashing all things "capitalistic."
The Pragmatic Pundit is another huge Leftist rag,
but differs from most of the others in that its dedicated mission is the
polemic defense of progressivism as a political/moral cause and,
specifically, Obama's administration of progressivism.
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