Finally: Obama is being dragged into the debate over his record.

<<<<< We compare this idiot chart with two others.  Always remember,  "Figures don't lie but liars often figure."  

According to Rasmussen,  only 39% of American likely voters support Obama's pro-contraception attack on religion.  In other words,  after nearly two months of making his case,  our resident anti-Constitutionist president has lost in his campaign strategy to divide and conquer the nation over religious/constitutional issues.  He is too far into the campaign season to abandon this strategy and will have no choice but to ride this to the bitter end.  

A second major Obama campaign strategy has failed,  as well.  After weeks of attacks by Obama surrogates,  and two weeks of direct attacks from Obama, himself,  60% of Americans believe that a president needs extensive business experience.  Even worse for this strategy,  53% of the folks have never heard of Bain Capital  (US News and World Report).  

In terms of campaign strategies,  what is left to the Obama people?  They have "hung their hat" on dividing the nation over the "working women/Ann Romney" issue.  That failed and the campaign responded with a two-prong attack involving both the conception issue and the negatives surrounding Romney's Bain Capital experience.  

Now that it is becoming clear that new strategies must be implemented,  one has to ask,  "Where does Obama go from here?"

Surprisingly,  the answer to this, in increasing measure,  is this: the Obama presidential record.  

Barack has done all that is possible to avoid this election being an incumbent referendum.  Ain't going to happen.  And,  apparently, the Obama people are coming to this realization.  

So,  how in the world does that work . . . . . . . . Obama running on his record?  

There is only one way and that is to bundle a rewrite of the facts,  reconfigure the stats,  blame Bush,  try to extrapolate "good news" out of falling gas prices and pretend that 7.9% unemployment has the same value as 7.2% unemployment.  I mention "7.2%" because no president since FDR has been re-elected with an unemployment rate of 7.2% or more.  

Over the past three days,  we have seen Obama laugh at suggestions that he is a "big spender."  Just yesterday,  Obama made the statement that he spending record is the lowest of all presidents in the past "60 years."  Amazing.  Charts are now appearing on the web "proving" that Obama's spending routine, incredibly,  is the lowest of the five past presidents going back to and including Ronald Reagan.  We have seen editorials touting the "8% unemployment barrier,"  the Obama pundits cheering the "breaking" of this barrier in the very near future.  Killing bin Laden has supplanted Obama's failed Middle East policy.  

Will all this nonsense work for his re-election?  We are about to find out.  

End notes:  

This is the newest Obama epiphany. It posits a remarkable spending strategy on the part of Obama,  especially as it is compared to his predecessors.  The is how it works:  Obama added 1.4 trillion to Bush spending in 2009.  After that year,  our annual deficits have been remarkably similar,  between 1.3 and 1. 6 trillion each year. This "level spending increase" has netted a 5 trillion total (in four years) measured against all of the Bush numbers misrepresented on this chart.  In fact,  this 5 trillion dollar deficit is equal to all the deficits in American history from the beginning of this nation through the year 2000.  

This chart presents Obama as the master of spending cuts and the champion of low taxes.  Understand that all of the Obama spending cuts have occurred in each of two categories: the reduction in the size government  --  the failing economy forcing Obama to cut the number of Federal Employees (188,000) and reductions in proposed spending.  Clinton's cuts along the same  lines,  but his cuts were voluntary,  not forced on him because of the economy.  As to tax increases,  the credit for this category is all on the GOP.  Without them,  Obama would have added more than trillion dollars in tax increases.

Compare or,  if you,  justify this chart with the two Obama
supporting charts immediately above.  Bet you can't do it.  
Also,  not that the numbers on this chart come from a 
government reporting site.  

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