A confused Obama, honors an avoid socialist and very sweet racist darling of the farm workers movement.

<<<< He can't help himself.  In his zeal to win over the Hispanic vote after breaking his immigration promise back in 2009,  Obama gives honor to a socialist,  ending any doubt as to what he is,  politically.  

President Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday to Dolores Huerta, an 82-year-old labor activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers union.  She joined the ranks of 13 others who, today,  received this medal of honor.    While farm workers need representation,  they do not need representation by the hands of those who oppose traditional American values in support of a welfare state that “promises the moon,”   but never delivers on its promises.    Huerta is an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, as are Frances Fox Piven, Gloria Steinem and Cornel West  --  and if you do not know who these people are,  you really are not qualified to vote.  

As relates to Obama's class warfare strategy,  Ms Huerta falsely labels Republicans as those who “hate Latinos,” and has joined the Congressional Black Caucus in her admiration for Hugo Chavez’s repressive  regime in Venezuela. 

You should know the creed of the socialist unions in this country.  The Democratic Socialists of America carries this statement as to purpose

We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.

Understand that no socialist state in this world,  tolerates the voice of the minority.  True “democracy” is, by definition,  the rule of the majority.  But a socialist state is much more than  this.  It cannot survive without the centralization of power and the dictatorial reign of the ruling class  --  which it always pretends does not exist.  Without a centralized form of governance, there is no “fair and equitable distribution of wealth.”  So the takers vote into power their rulers, who, in turn,  proceed to destroy the more wealthy job creators within their particular societies and all become poor.  Obama would remind us that even though this is true,  at least it is fair.  

Understand that in a debate with Hillary,  during the ’08 campaign,  when reminded of the fact that raising corporate taxes decreases revenues,  Obama stated,  “It is not about what works but what is fair.”   And that, ladies and gentlemen,  is his theory of finance.  

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