Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
THERE IS A VERDICT -- NOT GUILTY . I really do not care about John Edwards, but it is the biggest anecdotal news event of the day.
Update #2: Ooooops !! My source was wrong. Edwards has been found
"no guilty" on count # 3. (This ruined my lunch break)
Update #3 - . Understand that "count three" was the prosecution's strongest point in the case against Edwards. Looks like this piece of work is going to walk on all charges, but that is just a guess. I remind the readership of this fact: this case was Eric Holder's Department of Justice against John Edwards. You know what I think? Just another example of gross incompetence on the part of Eric "Me and Obama Are Pals" Holder.
<<<<<<<< After nine days of deliberations, Pretty Boy Edwards has just been declared NOT guilty on one count, "count three," of the criminal complaint against him, but there is a "hung jury" on all remaining counts, I originally reported this as a "guilty" verdict.
Update #3 - . Understand that "count three" was the prosecution's strongest point in the case against Edwards. Looks like this piece of work is going to walk on all charges, but that is just a guess. I remind the readership of this fact: this case was Eric Holder's Department of Justice against John Edwards. You know what I think? Just another example of gross incompetence on the part of Eric "Me and Obama Are Pals" Holder.
Many believed, from "day
one" of this trial, that John Edward's disgusting activity would not
be found to include any criminally illegal activity. The common legal
opinion held that this was matter of campaign abuse and should have been dealt
with as a civil case. The fact that Edwards orchestrated a rather
involved cover-up is evidence that he knew, full well, of the reality of
his actions, but, again, that does not mean that he saw his abuse as
As I write, Edwards is being accompanied by his daughter,
also a lawyer and one who helped craft his defense.
Count Three has to do
with the case against Edwards with regards to his use or misuse of the funds
donated by Rachel Bunny Mellon, a contributor to Edward's campaign.
The defense is asking for a mistrial on all charges. The persecution wants the jury to reach a full decision. Usually, under such situations, the verdict will be read.
Update: the judge has sent the jury back into the jury room.
Update: the judge has sent the jury back into the jury room.
America is a poorer nation, under Obama. Maybe this wealth hater will think this to be a good thing -- who knows.
<<<<<< For certain, this is good news with the far Left, and Obama?? I mean, his war against the very rich seems to be working, no ??
By: Robert Frank NBC Reporter
& Editor EXTERNAL LINK America Lost 129,000
Millionaires in 2011 America’s
millionaire population declined last year for the first time since the
financial crisis, according to a new report. The population of U.S.
millionaire households (households with investible assets of $1 million or
more) fell to 5,134,000 from 5,263,000 in 2011, according to The Boston Consulting Group’s Global Wealth study. Total private wealth in
North America fell by 0.9 percent, to $38 trillion. The
ultra-rich were the largest losers in dollar terms. Households in North America
with investible assets of more than $100 million saw their wealth decline 2.4
percent. Their population declined slightly to 2,928 from 2,989.
The main reason for all this wealth loss? Stocks. . . . . .
Editor's notes: if you stop to think this stat,
Obama and his Marxist buds should claim this information as proof that
their plans are actually working. Over the past several years, even
before his 2009 inauguration, B Obama made it abundantly clear that he
was a capitalist hater, one who despised the notion of
"profit." He has been consistent waging war against the rich,
bemoaning the existence of their wealth and blaming them for robbing the
poor of what is "rightfully" theirs.
I believe that the nation's majority voting block will
disagree with the radical Left, and see this circumstance another
indication that Obama's stimulus has not worked.
An update on the Texas story of a 17 year old honor student sent to jail for ridiculous reasons -- things are going well for the young lady.
![]() |
Diane Tran at the moment of her "conviction" |
A Texas judge dismissed contempt charges against a 17-year-old honor student jailed for missing too much school because she worked two jobs to support her siblings.
Diane Tran, an 11th-grade student at Willis High School near Houston, was sent to jail for 24 hours last week by Judge Lanny Moriarty and ordered to pay a $100 fine for excessive truancy.
After intense public outcry over the teenager's punishment, Moriarty signed an order Wednesday dismissing contempt charges against Tran, a court clerk confirmed to FoxNews.com. The girl must now complete the proper paperwork to have her record expunged.
Tran was sent to jail for truancy after she reportedly missed 18 days of school this year. State law permits only 10 absences in a six-month period. . . . . read the rest of the story, here.
Editor's notes: the good news, in this story, is appreciated on several levels. Her "conviction" was over-turned by the judge who convicted her. There will be no continuing criminal record, something that could have kept the young lady out the college of her choice. Third, it appears that she will have received $100,000 before this is all over. Understand that Tran's mother moved away, leaving her with the responsibilities of finishing high school with honors and care for her two siblings.
When Gays say they "just want to be treated as equals," they are only kidding. They consider themselves "special" and expect to be treated as "special." Here is the legislative proof.
<<<<< Understand this, when the North American Man-Boy Love Association is attached to any bill governing sexual discimination, something is wrong. All members of NAMBLA should be in jail, not free, on the streets, supporting legislation.
Editor's notes: if it is already legally wrong to bully folks who are red-headed, or perceived to be ugly, or short, or too tall, or handicapped, or mentally superior (i.e. the "geek") or whatever, then this bill is simply unnecessary.
But this bill is not about bullying or fat people would be named and included. Rather, it is about setting up a protected class of students within the nation's government run school systems and giving them power, as a protected class, that trumps all others within the particular student body. Just as "hate crime laws" were/are totally unnecessary, so too, is this bit of nonsense . . . . . . unless, of course, the goal is other than concerns over the care and equitable treatment of students within the system. Proof of my "special class" charge is the found in the fact that the bill, as written, protects only the sexually confused child to the exclusion of all other students.
The effect of this bill would be to criminalize the bullying of the sexually confused, and, turn the public school system into a police state. Can you imagine the nightmare involved in a school protecting itself from potential lawsuits, driven by the ambulance chasing legal community?
I taught "Special Ed" in California for a number of years. I quit for several reasons including the fact that I was not permitted to know the health status of a student with AIDS, if bitten by a student. Understand that ALL other relevant health information was available (whether the student had hepatitis, for example), but the Queer Lobby, in California, had taken all AIDS information relevant to the handling of the handicapped student body, "off the table," putting the health and safety of school employees at extreme risk.
Official Summary to House bill HR 998 (In the Senate - S 555) :
Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011 - Prohibits public school
students from being excluded from participating in, or subject to
discrimination under, any federally-assisted educational program on the basis
of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or that of
their associates. Considers harassment to be a form of discrimination.
Prohibits retaliation against anyone for opposing conduct they reasonably
believe to be unlawful under this Act. Authorizes federal departments and
agencies to enforce these prohibitions by cutting off the educational
assistance of recipients found to be violating them. Allows an aggrieved
individual to assert a violation of this Act in a judicial proceeding and
recover reasonable attorney's fees should they prevail. Deems a state's receipt
of federal educational assistance for a program to constitute a waiver of
sovereign immunity for conduct prohibited under this Act regarding such
Source site: Open Congress. Please note that the summary, above, and the list of names below (not including highlights and my bracketed comments) are the work of Open Congress, here. You will need to visit that site for a read of the bill, itself. - blog editor.
Pertinent parts of this bill include these statements taken from the bill:
that discrimination is discrimination and bullying is just that, as well. It is not “worse” or intensified because one
is or pretends to be gay - editor
(1) Public
school students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), or are
perceived to be LGBT, or who associate with LGBT people, have been and are
subjected to pervasive discrimination, including harassment, bullying,
intimidation and violence, and have been deprived of equal educational
opportunities, in schools in every part of our Nation.
Again, this bill is not about bullying, in general.
Rather it specifically sets up a special class of victims for no good
reason at all, except to advance the Gay
Agenda. The fact remains, there is no legal reason for the inclusion of
the following clause - editor
(2) While
discrimination, including harassment, bullying, intimidation and violence, of
any kind is harmful to students and to our education system, actions that
target students based on sexual orientation or gender identity represent a
distinct and especially severe problem.
Those supporting this bill in the House of Representatives include:
Mr. POLIS (for himself, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. FARR, Mr. BACA, Mr.
FILNER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts [Yes, this is Barney], Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. AL
BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. HIMES,
Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. CAPUANO, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr.
LEE of Texas, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms.
DEGETTE, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. DEUTCH, Ms. LEE of California, Mr.
of California, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. KEATING, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. MARKEY, Ms.
ROS-LEHTINEN, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York,
SPEIER, Mr. MORAN, Mr. STARK, Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Ms. SUTTON, Mr.
JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, and Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia)
introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education
and the Workforce
Groups supporting this bill include:
Specific Organizations Supporting H.R.998
o Human Rights Campaign
o Lambda Legal
o Advocates for Youth
o American Association of University Women
o American Civil Liberties Union
o American Federation of Teachers
o American Psychological Association
o CenterLink
o Communications Workers of America
o Episcopal Church
o Family Equality Council
o Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
o Gay-Straight Alliance Network
o Human Rights Watch
o People For the American Way
o National Association of Human Rights Workers
o National Association of School Psychologists
o National Center for Lesbian Rights
o National Black Justice Coalition
o National Center for Transgender Equality
o National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action
o National Women's Law Center
o Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
o Southern Poverty Law Center
o Transgender Law Center
o Unitarian Universalist Association
o United Methodist Church, General Board of
Church and Society
o American Counseling Association
o Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
o Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
o Center for American Progress Action Fund
o Child Welfare League of America
o Disciples Justice Action Network
o Friends Committee on National Legislation
o Immigration Equality Action Fund
o Interfaith Alliance
o National Asian Pacific American Women's Forums
o National Council of Jewish Women
o Sexuality Information and Education Council of
the U.S.
o The Trevor Project
o Woodhull Freedom Foundation
o National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
o National Education Association
o Catholics for Equality
o Credo Action
More economic bad news for the nation and Obama.
Could things go more badly for our
know-nothing, do-nothing president? I don't think so.
time claims are up
time unemployment benefit claims rose to 383,000,
13,000 more than the initial reports of last week (370,000
initially reported, adjusted up to 373,000).
Stimulus cost the nation 4.1 million jobs.
James Pethokoukis / The Enterprise Blog:
CBO: Obama stimulus may have cost as much as $4.1 million a job — The Congressional Budget Office in a new report: … OK, so without the stimulus, there would be anywhere from 200,000 to 1.5 million fewer people employed right now? That means the current cost-per-job created is somewhere between $4.1 million and $540,000. . . . .
First Quarter GDP was adjusted down
adjusted down to 1.9% for the first quarter of this year.
Understand that it was originally reported to be 2.5%. As it turns
our, Obama's best GDP numbers came in 2009, as an extension of the
Bush years.
Consider this: the fact that every summer for the past three years (2010,2011
and now, 2012), the economy has taken a dump, denies Obama of the
opportunity to brag about his domestic policies when reports are positive.
Understand that cyclical developments are not the product of
policy, unless, of course, one wants to argue that Obama designed
cyclical failure into his Stimulus bill(s). - blog editor
End Notes/ Initial Reports and Revisions:
May 26 - initial report is 383,000
May 26 - initial report is 383,000
May 19 - initial report is 370,000 - adjusted to 373,000 on May 31 with the May 26 report
May 12 - initial report 370,000 , adjusted up to 372,000 (63 out 64 weeks this adjustment has been higher than its initial report)
May 5 - first report is 367,000 - revised with the May 12 report to 370,000
April 28 - first report is 365,000 --- adjusted up to 368,000 with the May 3 report
April 21 _ first report for week ending on the 21st, is 388,00 - the same initial report as last week's. An adjustment [upward ?] will occur with next Thursdays report. This was adjust up to 392,000.
April 14 - first report is 388,000 to be adjusted next Thursday. Adjust number is 389,000
April 7 : first report is 380,000 off an estimate of 359,000. This number was adjusted up to 388,000 !!!
March 31: first report was 357,000 but was adjusted upwards by 10,000 to 367,000
March 24 (week ending) -- 359,000, adjusted up 11,000 from the first report of the week before.
May 5 - first report is 367,000 - revised with the May 12 report to 370,000
April 28 - first report is 365,000 --- adjusted up to 368,000 with the May 3 report
April 21 _ first report for week ending on the 21st, is 388,00 - the same initial report as last week's. An adjustment [upward ?] will occur with next Thursdays report. This was adjust up to 392,000.
April 14 - first report is 388,000 to be adjusted next Thursday. Adjust number is 389,000
April 7 : first report is 380,000 off an estimate of 359,000. This number was adjusted up to 388,000 !!!
March 31: first report was 357,000 but was adjusted upwards by 10,000 to 367,000
March 24 (week ending) -- 359,000, adjusted up 11,000 from the first report of the week before.
Now, we learn that Barack has spent millions on getting his hair cut, as president. Geeeesh
Can you believe this report? Besides the hundreds of White House evening parties, all at taxpayer expense (more than 300 social gatherings during the first year of Obama's term, alone), Obama's three months worth of playing golf, and Michelle's 17 vacations around the world, we now learn that this big spender has brought his personal barber to our White House two - sometimes three - times each and every month.
What is most revealing, as regards our Obama dominated media is the fact that we learned of this circumstance from foreign sources. You can go to the Fox News site and listen to the original out-of-country reporting.
What is most revealing, as regards our Obama dominated media is the fact that we learned of this circumstance from foreign sources. You can go to the Fox News site and listen to the original out-of-country reporting.
Somebody thinks this is news: "Minimum wage job will not pay for two bedroom apartment." Shocker !!! Here's another headline: "Only 3% of the work force earns a minimum wage."
In California, the minimum wage is $8.00 an hour and 13% of its work force earns that amount. [New York's minimum wage work force is 12.5% of the total working population]. Understand that the national workforce is 163 million strong [including California]. Only 5.5 million work for minimum wage or 4% of the total labor force. Minimum wage was never designed to be a "living wage." Jobs that pay minimum wage are "entry level jobs" and are intended to be filled by the young, the first time employee and the [very] unskilled.
Understand that a young married couple, working for minimum wage, takes home close to $1,700 per month, after taxes. School aged children get free breakfast and lunch, in most states, if such is needed. The schooling, itself, is free. In California, where this editor lives, there are free health clinics scattered throughout the state and most hospitals have ER facilities designed to receive the working poor. ObamaCare, contrary to what we are all being told, will not end this situation.
The average annual wage is 39,300 per year or just under $19.00 per hour, before taxes. Two people earning the average wage, make $79,000 per year.
We conclude that the wage scale is not the problem -- getting and keeping a job is the larger issue.
Understand that a young married couple, working for minimum wage, takes home close to $1,700 per month, after taxes. School aged children get free breakfast and lunch, in most states, if such is needed. The schooling, itself, is free. In California, where this editor lives, there are free health clinics scattered throughout the state and most hospitals have ER facilities designed to receive the working poor. ObamaCare, contrary to what we are all being told, will not end this situation.
The average annual wage is 39,300 per year or just under $19.00 per hour, before taxes. Two people earning the average wage, make $79,000 per year.
We conclude that the wage scale is not the problem -- getting and keeping a job is the larger issue.
Media Matters is whining about "$100,000." Why? Because it is running out of money.
Media Matters for America:
While Michelle Obama has been busy selling her gardening
book and taking 17 vacations during her first three years as "First
Lady," her husband has taken billions of dollars from the taxpaying
public to fly from one campaign stop to another, for nearly two years,
Fox's Anti-Obama Attack Ad Is Nearly $100,000 In Free Advertising For GOP — The four minute anti-Obama attack ad aired by Fox News this morning was the equivalent of $96,000 of free advertising for the Republican Party. Sources confirm to Media Matters that at the current rate of $6,000 …
Editor's notes: can you believe that Media Matters has
so little sense of right and wrong that would dare to publish the headline,
above? Obama has demanded several million dollars in "free"
time from the "big three" networks. He has made more televised
appearances than all previous presidents combined . . . . . and that is a fact.
Again, you are looking at billions in free televised assistance for
his Marxist Media buds.

"$100,000" is a trifle amount compared
to that which has been given to Barack, to bolster his 2012 campaign. In fact, the Media Matters complaint is just plain silly. Say these two numbers out loud, "One hundred thousand" and "fifteen million." No comparison. Soros is whining about nothing.
Understand that MM is having money problems. As a campaign revenue source, it is considering pulling back on continued support for the Wisconsin recall, Elizabeth Warren's failing campaign and money it gives to Planned Parenthood.
Still think Libs are intelligent folks, when it comes to their political agenda? Maybe these two events will change your mind.
Happy Masturbation Month! We've got lots of info on masturbation here: http://bit.ly/L3UFgX
Some groups in Florida are tweeting to encourage kids to celebrate
May as Masturbation Month. I would think two or three minutes of
"celebration" would suffice. Maybe a couple of hours; a
full day would seem extreme, but a full month!!! Wow. When do these people have time to campaign?
As if this is not
enough idiocy for one post, we remind the readership of Planned
Parenthood's "40 Days of Prayer," this past March.
Take a look at some of the suggestions for days 1 thru 40:
Day 4: Today we give thanks for the doctors who provide
quality abortion care, and pray that they may be kept safe.
Day 14: Today we pray for Christians everywhere to
embrace the loving model of Jesus in the way he refused to shame women.
Day 18: Today we pray for all the staff at abortion
clinics around the nation. May they be daily confirmed in the sacred care that
they offer women.
Day 21: Today we pray for women in developing nations,
that they may know the power of self-determination. May they have access to
employment, education, birth control, and abortion.
I will leave this post to speak for itself, except to mention that the Right has NOTHING similar to showcase its sense of creativity and spirituality. You Libs must be sooooo proud.
American Idol judge just bought a ride that goes 0 - 200 in under 16 seconds.
<<<<< Things are good for Steven Tyler, since his little girl got big enough to make the same "mistakes" he has made. Having kids will work to make one aware of the spiritual, if not the religious.
Aerosmith frontman and American Idol judge, Steven Tyler, just took delivery of the world's fastest
convertible. The Hennessey Venom GT Spyder will accelerate to 200mph in 15.9
seconds, eight seconds faster than a Bugatti Veyron. Tyler was the first person
to ask if he could have his without a top.
"Steven came to us last year and asked if we could build his Venom GT as a roadster," says John Hennessey. "We had to make a few structural changes to our integrated rollcage in order to be able to fit the removable top. This increased the weight of our vehicle by about 30 lbs to a curb weight of 2743 lbs (1244 kilograms). We decided to increase the Venom GTs power to 1244 bhp to maintain our 1 horsepower per 1 kilogram power to weight ratio."
Only five Venom GTs will be built this year and Tyler's remains the only convertible. At a price of $1.1 million for the Lotus Exige chassis lengthened and braced to make room for a 7.0-liter, twin-turbo V8, it's easy to understand why interested customers are few and far between. (text from Yahoo)
"Steven came to us last year and asked if we could build his Venom GT as a roadster," says John Hennessey. "We had to make a few structural changes to our integrated rollcage in order to be able to fit the removable top. This increased the weight of our vehicle by about 30 lbs to a curb weight of 2743 lbs (1244 kilograms). We decided to increase the Venom GTs power to 1244 bhp to maintain our 1 horsepower per 1 kilogram power to weight ratio."
Only five Venom GTs will be built this year and Tyler's remains the only convertible. At a price of $1.1 million for the Lotus Exige chassis lengthened and braced to make room for a 7.0-liter, twin-turbo V8, it's easy to understand why interested customers are few and far between. (text from Yahoo)
A confused Obama, honors an avoid socialist and very sweet racist darling of the farm workers movement.
<<<< He can't help himself. In his zeal to win over the Hispanic vote after breaking his immigration promise back in 2009, Obama gives honor to a socialist, ending any doubt as to what he is, politically.
President Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on
Tuesday to Dolores Huerta, an 82-year-old labor activist and co-founder of the
United Farm Workers union. She joined
the ranks of 13 others who, today, received
this medal of honor. While farm workers need representation, they do not need representation by the hands
of those who oppose traditional American values in support of a welfare state
that “promises the moon,” but never
delivers on its promises. Huerta is an honorary chair of the
Democratic Socialists of America, as are Frances Fox Piven, Gloria Steinem and Cornel West -- and if you do not know who these people are, you really are not qualified to vote.
As relates to Obama's class warfare strategy, Ms Huerta falsely labels Republicans as those who “hate
Latinos,” and has joined the Congressional Black Caucus in her admiration for Hugo
Chavez’s repressive regime in Venezuela.
should know the creed of the socialist unions in this country. The Democratic Socialists of America carries this statement as to purpose:
We are
socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by
private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental
destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.
We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.
We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.
Understand that no socialist state in this
world, tolerates the voice of the
minority. True “democracy” is, by
definition, the rule of the
majority. But a socialist state is much
more than this. It cannot survive without the centralization
of power and the dictatorial reign of the ruling class --
which it always pretends does not exist.
Without a centralized form of governance, there is no “fair and
equitable distribution of wealth.” So
the takers vote into power their rulers, who, in turn, proceed
to destroy the more wealthy job creators within their particular societies and
all become poor. Obama would remind us
that even though this is true, at least
it is fair.
Understand that in a debate with Hillary, during the ’08 campaign, when reminded of the fact that raising corporate taxes decreases revenues, Obama stated, “It is not about what works but what is fair.” And that, ladies and gentlemen, is his theory of finance.
Understand that in a debate with Hillary, during the ’08 campaign, when reminded of the fact that raising corporate taxes decreases revenues, Obama stated, “It is not about what works but what is fair.” And that, ladies and gentlemen, is his theory of finance.
Time for a change in attitude -- the abortion crowd has gone too far (see the video)
Caroline May / The Daily Caller:
<<<<< Pro-life group's hidden camera footage shows complicity in ‘sex-selective’ abortions — Live Action says Planned Parenthood and other U.S. abortion providers are willing to assist in the termination of baby girls for pregnant women who choose abortion because they want to have baby boys. . . . . .
The sad
reality, in this report, is the fact that Planned
Parenthood is a force in gender
selection for purposes of abortion. Understand
that the gender of the unborn is best known around week 20 or later.
I am not
going to spend much time on this, but if we are about to use abortion to
select the gender of our children, then Planned Parenthood needs to be
Here is
that "hidden camera" footage:
Democrat "abortion for any reason crowd" has lied to us
for years. Why is killing the unborn a political issue and not an act of
genocide and
why do men sleep with
these killers?

In this
October 2006 photo provided by Baptist Hospital, a health care worker holds
Amillia Sonja Taylor. Taylor was just 9.5 inches long and weighed less than 10
ounces when she was born Oct. 24. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-02-20-tiny-baby_x.htm
I cannot
bring myself to publish a picture of a 21 week old unborn after it has been aborted;
just know that the biggest abortion lie of all time is the unstated but
implied fantasy that the death of the unborn, as experienced during an
abortion, is, somehow, humane, as if that made a difference. The truth? "They" go "in" and pull
the baby apart, extracting "it" one arm and leg, at a time. It is such a violation of anything "humane," so similar to the techniques used by the Germans in their experimental death mills, that the killers of the unborn cannot even call them "babies." Instead, they prefer "fetus" and are infuriated, even insulted, when those who care about unborn life dare to show the insane aftermath of an abortion.
Wow. The Prince of Peace has a kill list and the most self-serving justification of all time.
<<<<< Obviously, Obama wants the world to see him as a tough guy. First, he went with cigarettes hanging from his lips. Now that he is the most powerful man in the world, however, it seems his kill list has taken the place of those disgusting cigs.
Original post:
Today, the Obama Administration let it be known that Barack, October, 2009 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, personally manages and edits a "kill list." The list currently has 15 names including one a woman and more than one American.
The ACLU has spoken out against this list. And, the New York Times has published a huge (8 page) story on the matter. The article can be found, here. Its title, "Secret Kill List . . . ," is hardly the case - that it is a "secret," that is. Obama wants the world to see him as a tough guy when it comes to his war on terror. As a result, he has released enough information to the Times, to fill the eight pages it has reserved for this article.
His Left Wing, anti-war enthusiasts all, must be greatly disappointed. To make matters worse for them, Obama's defense of his new "kill strategy" includes this wild justification as to "collateral damage and the deaths of innocents" resulting from his "death by drone" campaign. He now argues that if untargeted citizens are killled in the drone attacks (and there are always innocents killed in these raids), those who are old enough to be terrorist are not counted into the "collateral death" list. Rather, they are considered to be "terrorists." Incredible. You Lefties must be soooooo proud.
I love it . . . . . . a Nobel Peace Prize "winner" who is a killer, by trade. Obama always wanted to be a tough guy; now he are one !! Understand that killing the enemy is a good idea, but not for a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and certainly not for a man who used criticism of the "killer, George W Bush," to gain the presidency of the United States. And this business of Obama's "collateral death count" is just too disingenuous to merit any respect for Obama's leadership or his authority as the moral center of the Leftist Universe.
What a joke.
Update: Tuesday afternoon,
Jay Carney defended Obama's "kill list" as being
"consistent with our moral values" or words to that effect.
During the Bush years, his boss [B Obama] apposed
"waterboarding" as that which was against accepted American moral
values, but killing terrorist and all who happen to be near his drone
attacks, is just fine. You libs are disgustingly hypocritical - and
I am addressing the two or three hundred Libs who read this blog, each
and everyday [out of 1,400 normal people, on average] Not one of you [Libs] can justify Obama's actions in contrast to your illogical hatred for GW Bush. . . . . . . go ahead and prove me wrong. Instead, you will simply ignore the killing of innocents,
under YOUR president, and wait to protest after the next Republican
"war-monger" is elected, whenever that might be.
Hypocritical jerks all.
Original post:
Today, the Obama Administration let it be known that Barack, October, 2009 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, personally manages and edits a "kill list." The list currently has 15 names including one a woman and more than one American.
The ACLU has spoken out against this list. And, the New York Times has published a huge (8 page) story on the matter. The article can be found, here. Its title, "Secret Kill List . . . ," is hardly the case - that it is a "secret," that is. Obama wants the world to see him as a tough guy when it comes to his war on terror. As a result, he has released enough information to the Times, to fill the eight pages it has reserved for this article.
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Obama looking tough. |
I love it . . . . . . a Nobel Peace Prize "winner" who is a killer, by trade. Obama always wanted to be a tough guy; now he are one !! Understand that killing the enemy is a good idea, but not for a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and certainly not for a man who used criticism of the "killer, George W Bush," to gain the presidency of the United States. And this business of Obama's "collateral death count" is just too disingenuous to merit any respect for Obama's leadership or his authority as the moral center of the Leftist Universe.
What a joke.
![]() | English Norwegian |
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.
Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.
For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."
Oslo, October 9, 2009
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