How bad is it going for Obama regarding the women's vote? He now begs to speak at women events

B Obama has been reduced to begging for speaking appointments , especially to women and young adult audience.  In the latest example, The Hill is reporting that he had Bernard College,  in New York, cancel their original scheduled speaker,  Jill Abramson,  the executive editor at the New York Times in order to allow him to present at the college's commencement program.  Serious surveys show Obama losing about 8 percent of the women's vote,  compared to 2008.  Bernard is a women's college.

From my point of view,  I really do not understand why this is a campaign strategy  -  his appearance at Bernard.  Seems to me that he will be "preaching to the choir."

But I get the fact that his 2012 strategy is to continue to divide the nation,  believing he can win re-election without the working middle class vote.  He knows that he can "rule" without involving Congress  -  and such is acceptable to him.

He is a man with no conscience (being raised without a father is a huge contributing factor) ,  a pathological liar,  and a de facto enemy to the working class citizen.  Virtually everything he has done,  over the years,  has brought great harm to the middle class.  Food and Fuel are up,  substantially,  because of the Obama push against cheap heating fuel and consistent transportation.   Additionally, food prices that have increased more than 10% since January of 2009  . . . . . . .  all of this effects the middle class more than any other class of American citizenry.

Point of post:  there really can be no question as to the difficulties B Obama is facing with the female vote,  in view of the fact that he has gone begging for speaking engagements before women groups.  Contraception issues are not nearly as important to women as are the health and well being of the family.  We cannot afford the cars he is pushing,  the fuel his selling,  the houses he pretends to be financing.  Clothing costs are rising, sharply.  And the government is committed to increasing control over our children.   And women are more concerned for contraception?   Geeeesh.  


  1. More definitive PROOF: Smithson lives in a world of denial and ignorance.

    Obama Easily Winning Women Vote: Poll

    Obama trounced Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. among women in the 2008 election,with women choosing Obama over McCain by a margin of 56 to 43. That lead disappeared among men, whom Obama narrowly won 49-48.

    The same appears to be true for the upcoming 2012 election. Hypothetical one-on-one matchups have Obama beating Romney 54 percent to 41 percent and Santorum 56 percent to 40 percent among women.


  2. Important to note: The cited poll showing Obama crushing his challengers in the women vote was taken BEFORE Limbaugh's degrading comments against women.

    Game over.

  3. HAHAHAHA... Count is up to seven. Pro Flowers just pulled out from Limbaugh. And you have the mental insanity to believe the GOP is going to get the majority of women voters?

    You need professional help for your delusions.

  4. Wow, the Big Cat takes some time off and the mice get seriously busy.

    For starters, I am a huge Rush fan and proudly so. I don't agree with everything he says, but HE KNOWS THIS. Would I have made the same point about Fluke? Probably. Would I have doubled down on the matter? Probably not.

    Rush has a listening audience of around 23 million weekly. I believe that he has between 9 and 12 million different listeners who make up that 23 million "pageview" audience. Its kind of like blogging. I will total somewhere close to 550,000 pageviews this year on Midknight Review, alone, but that is not 550,000 different people. I have close to 8,200 pageviews per week who are “regular” pr repeat attendees. About 12% of this weekly total are first timers who do not repeat. Limbaugh's record is to be figured in a similar fashion. He does not have 23 million different listeners per month although that is his “market share.” . His daily 3 hour audience is around 4.5 million. People come and go during his three hour broadcast. I listen to him around 4 times a week. I never listen to more than an hour and a half and I am a typical listener. In fact, most people I know listen to Rush no more than 30 minutes a day, when they are in their cars going somewhere. Of the dedicated 60 million conservatives in this nation, Rush listeners probably total 15 to 20 percent of that population. That is why I say that "he is not the GOP," not even close.

    Secondly, the reason Democrats made up this contraception issue when there was no disagreement on that issue, is because they are getting their butts kicked on the Constitutional and related issue of the government telling a church what it must do and what it must believe. After Santorum is gone, the campaign will be about this last issue, not the first at all. I do not care how many times a 30 year old college student gets poked. I do care when she makes me pay for it.

    Take the make-believe support of “98% of Catholic women” on the contraception issue. That is the number quoted by Dems. It is a made up number for which proof is never offered. Apparently, Democrats believe that 98 % of all women are sexually active when it is a statistical fact that close to 30 percent of the population does not sexually co-habitat - more true for women than the male hornisticatillia. In a recent Gallup survey, 59% of Catholic women do not believe the government should have anything to say to that church on this issue. THAT is the fact, of the matter.
    Understand that birth control in this nation is ALREADY a freebie. The thrust of the debate is going to change and in "our favor," soon enough.

    If Pro-Flowers quit Rush, I will quit them. Ditto for the Number Bed and Carbonite - and I will let them know it AND, there will be a constant reminder on this blog. Why do you think GM is failing with the Volt? There is a silent conservative boycott going on against the Volt and GM proving, of course, that the silent treatment works.

  5. Women all across America know Limbaugh as a 'Pig'. You support him, you're a pig. Like Glenn Beck, this guy is a drug addict and college drop out who attacked a college woman as a 'slut' for seeking insurance coverage for birth control, a prescription drug ... Limbaugh the guy who has been married 4 times, never father a child, and was caught smuggling Viagra from the Dominican Republic. Distgusting pig.

    You'll pay the price for your piggishness and hypocrisy. You'll see. This is another nail in the GOP coffin. I love it.
