A brief summary of GOP primary totals

   The first GOP candidate to get to 1144 delegate votes will be the winner and Romney now has more delegates than the other three candidates combined.    I think it a mistake to label Romney as a "liberal"  or a "moderate liberal."   As Massachusetts  Governor,  he issued a startling 800 vetoes against legislation passed by a truly liberal Democrat state congress.  Although not my first choice,  I do believe that he will get this nation back on track,   as would any of the four GOP choices. Most definitely,  I do not believe that he is "anti-TEA party."  And,  even if he is more "Establishment" than I would hope,  he is world's apart from the most corrupt Administration I have seen in my life-time.  
Understand that politics is most often about compromise.  The question is this: upon which issue(s) is compromise a viable course of action?  If our answer does not include a distinction between foundational/Constitutional principles and mere opinions about "what is best for the nation,"  we have not learned the lessons TEA party conservatives want the Grand Old Party to learn.  If I were a politician,  I would ask - in every legislative case - will this piece of legislation take us away from our Constitutional foundations or bring us closer?  Understand that not all legislative or economic proposals are Constitutional issues.  It is in those matters that we have liberty as congressional representatives sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution.  All American legislators,  whether federal, state or local,  swear to uphold and defend the Constitution.  It is more than appropriate, then,   to confirm our foundation structure as the starting point for all legislative proposal . . . . . . how could it not be?  

TOTAL DELEGATES       Yesterday, Romney took 6 states, Santorum 3 states and Gingrich took only Georgia                              

Rick Santorum           

47 (66?)                             

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