Santorum as Champion of Christian Values has disqualified himself as a meaningful GOP presidential candidate.

I would assume that Rick Santorum still believes this,  words spoken in 2008:

Satan has done so by attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of these strong plants that have so deeply rooted in the American tradition," Santorum said, in a video posted by Right Wing Watch, a project of the liberal advocacy group People for the American Way. "We look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is in shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it."

In the above statement,  Santorum personifies evil as being "Satan."  Of course,  the Bible does the very same thing.  For the benefit of the unbeliever,  I hasten to point out that on August 2, 2011,  Nancy Pelosi referred to the debt compromise as a "Satan sandwich with Satan fires"  (confirmation),  and,  I am positive that I can find dozens of such references to Satan from Democrat leaders of this day and time.

If,  in his use of "Satan,"  Santorum, also,  means to include the notion of secularism, he is right to criticize the damage done to many of our great institutions including those attached to education, the collective "church," and our legislative agencies.

But,  I think the man protests too much.  His critical inclusion of "mainline Protestantism"  is over blown and uninformed.  If we were to give him a description,  we might label Santorum an Evangelical Catholic. I would certainly not give him the label of "theologian" as used in the typical sense. In the same 2008 speech,  he makes the case for a Protestantism that is "in shambles."  He does not know what he is talking about.  While he can point to anecdotal support for his charge,  the health of much of "mainline Protestantism" is doing just fine.

One of my problems with Santorum,  outside of the fact that he is a big government legislator, is the fact that he is perfectly willing to compromise principle as he "takes one for the team."  Turns out that in his past is repeated support for Title X and Planned Parenthood.    He supported the continuance of the Department of Education.  He supports "earmarks," the hallmark legislative function of big spending government. He voted to support the pro-abortionist, Arlen Specter,  the only legislator who ranks lower than Nancy Pelosi,  in opinion polls.

But,  worst of all,  in my opinion,  is the fact that he [now] sees himself as the champion of conservative Christian values.  Rather than moving forward in an attack against Obama's godless and reckless agenda,  I fear that he has decided to put spiritual revival of this nation on center stage, that God has called him to this moment and for this purpose.    Because of this mindset,  Santorum is now busy defending himself on a host of Christian and church based issues.  He has allowed the current political debate to be about him,  rather than Obama.  In so doing,  he has disqualified himself and will not receive my support.  Rick Santorum is neither a TEA party conservative nor is he a consistent small government legislator.

Ron Paul calls him a "fake."  I think this is true as long as Santorum pitches himself as something he is not.

Just to be clear,  I believe that "we" win when we are talking about conservative values,  but Santorum has given Obama all the strategy he needs to win re-election should he (Santorum) be the candidate.  This election cycle simply cannot be about anything other than the abject failure of the Obama Doctrine.

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