Terrorist Events Map: Do you live in or near a terror zone?

Report Finds Terrorism Hot Spots and Historical Trends in Terror Types

This is a map put together by Homeland Security showing locations where events considered  "acts of terror" have occurred between 1970 and 2008.  

Be safe.

Congressional Budget Office talks about 2012 - not good for re-election purposes

Continuing Annual Debt Increase
The CBO set the annual debt for 2012 at 1.1 trillion taking the average annual debt,  under Obama, down to 1.4 trillion (per year).  Under Bush,  the previous record holder, average annual debt was $400 billion.  Understand that the four year plan,  from this administration, called for a $600 billion in deficit for 2012 ($800 billion for 2011).  

Further,  the CBO sees unemployment at 8% or above through all of 2012.  We tend to forget that under Bush,  unemployment averaged 5.5% for the eight year term including the recession laden 2008 . . . . . . . 4.7% without 2008 numbers.  We are in the fifth year of this recessionary period and Obama continues to act as if his social agenda,  moving this country into an European style form of governance,  is more important than dealing the recession.  

Housing prices have declined in value,  during this period (actually since 2006)  by 33% and Obama's mortgage rescue plan has failed.  Designed to give aid to 7 million troubled homeowners,  less than 400,000 were benefited.   And the beat goes on.  With latest totals,  end of year (2011) mortgage prices declined another 1.3% according to the S&P / Case Shiller 20 city index.  Prices on that index fell in 19 of the 20 cities studied.  Phoenix, Arizona was the lone exception.  Chicago,  Atlanta and Detroit are the hardest hit by the mortgage crisis.  


True unemployment:   According to the CBO,  if we included the same size workforce as two years ago (the Obama Administration has reduced down the size of the workforce),  the 8.5% unemployment rate reported for December of 2011 would actually be 10%.

Taxes are scheduled to increase by more than 30% over 2012 and 2013. 

GDP (the measure of our economic expansion) will be 2.2% for 2012  (it was 1.7% for the entire of 2011),  and just 1.0 % for 2013, the year that ObamaCare rises to full force as a forced law

End Notes: 

CNN Business News 1/31/2012

Lefties angry with Col West. Want to know why? Because he plagiarized their rhetorical "style"

And we need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee [Debbie Wasserman Schultz], we need to let them know Florida ain't on the table. Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America."

The purge is on. Gore and company intend to take down all meteorologists denying global warming.

Global warming activists seek to purge 'deniers' among local weathermen - TheDC

Al Gore

'Our goal is nothing short of changing how the entire profession of meteorology tackles the issue of climate change'

The totality of the assault mounted by the radicalized Left is simply mind blowing.  What a time in which we are living. 

Concerned that too many “deniers” are in the meteorology business, global warming activists this month launched a campaign to recruit local weathermen to hop aboard the alarmism bandwagon and expose those who are not fully convinced that the world is facing man-made doom.

The Forecast the Facts campaign — led by 350.org, the League of Conservation Voters and the Citizen Engagement Lab — is pushing for more of a focus on global warming in weather forecasts, and is highlighting the many meteorologists who do not . . . . . . The full article is at the Daily Caller. 

Obama gives Catholic Church 13 months to prepare for the violation of their doctrine and conscience.

Obama Declares War on People of Conscience.    

Here is the Catholic response to Obama's decision to betray his promises to the Catholic Church and people of conscience everywhere.


The HHS rule requires that sterilization and contraception – including controversial abortifacients – be included among “preventive services” coverage in almost every healthcare plan available to Americans. “The government should not force Americans to act as if pregnancy is a disease to be prevented at all costs,” added Cardinal-designate Dolan.


Local dioceses across the nation are preparing to read letters to their members, similar to this: 
In thousands of parishes this weekend, Catholic priests read a version of the following letter to their congregation denouncing this decision as an attack on their religious freedom. Each bishop personally sent the letter out, and so there were some local variations. Here's the one read in the Phoenix Archdiocese. Here's another from the Bishop of Trenton.  What follows is from the Bishop of Marquette:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I write to you concerning an alarming and serious matter that negatively impacts the Church in the United States directly, and that strikes at the fundamental right to religious liberty for all citizens of any faith. The federal government, which claims to be “of, by, and for the people,” has just been dealt a heavy blow to almost a quarter of those people — the Catholic population — and to the millions more who are served by the Catholic faithful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that almost all employers,
including Catholic employers, will be forced to offer their employees’ health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. Almost all health insurers will be forced to include those “services” in the health policies they write. And almost all individuals will be forced to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

In so ruling, the Obama Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty. And as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees (and suffer the penalties for doing so). The Obama Administration’s sole concession was to give our institutions one year to comply.

We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom. Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture,
only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.

And therefore, I would ask of you two things. First, as a community of faith we must commit ourselves to prayer and fasting that wisdom and justice may prevail, and religious liberty may be restored. Without God, we can do nothing; with God, nothing is impossible. Second, I would also recommend visiting www.usccb.org/conscience,to learn more about this severe assault on religious liberty, and how to contact Congress in support of legislation that would reverse the Obama Administration’s decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Alexander K. Sample 
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample
Bishop of Marquette

ActBlue, an odious group of Marxist/One Worlders, have Representative Allen West in their sites.

An angry declaration of intent,  befitting the nauseous conspiracy of Big Money in support of the effort to take us away from the  traditions, history and political conversation that has given us the United States of America.  

It is Michelle Obama's inflammatory rhetoric that frames the scope of the current conspiracy to take down this country.  We have been conditioned to laugh at and otherwise ignore "conspiracies."  I used to be one of those who laughed at a supposed larger conspiratorial narrative.  But no more.  Disagree?  Fine.  You tell me what this means, then: 

MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Michelle Obama's vision is not something that just happens. Nor is it the product of some irresistible social evolutionary change.  Rather,  "revolutionary mutation"  is much closer to the reality. This destructive evil driven by the Enemy Within was well under way by the time ActBlue was founded in 2004. By 2006,  the Right was aware of its presence as per an article found in October of that year,  in the National Journal.  Going into its 9th year,  the Obama presence has emboldened this bunch of Commie misfits.  It is allied with the Daily Kos and MoveOn.org

Most recently,  ActBlue has published a hit list,  the first six of ten names they have determined to "take out." High on that list is Allen West.    

“We’re talking about some of the most odious members of Congress. Even for Republicans these guys are low,“ said Campaign Manager Matthew ”Mudcat” Arnold in a statement. “We’re going to empower local activists to organize their friends and neighbors to lay out the truth about their representatives in the most basic terms: They are anti-woman. They are anti-science. They are hypocritical, bigoted, and have said and done things that are downright crazy. They’ve done more to embarrass their constituents then they have to govern or work toward solutions. They are unfit for congress, and we’re going to help their constituents hold them accountable.”  Source:  ActBlue 

Of course,  there is no concern on the part of these faux intellectuals to represent  anything other than their own brand of freedom hating, anti-capitalist,  distributive crap. Nothing they represent has been successful anywhere in the world.  America is the "crown jewel."  It has the wealth and socio-stability to empower the efforts of these collectivists and push their agenda, culminating in a One World system that denies faith and personal freedoms. This bunch needs to be infiltrated,  exposed and kicked to the curb.  Until that happy day,  I,  for one,  will check in on them on occasion.  

Too long of an article,  I know,  but review this fundraising list of this bunch  and be afraid:  

Top Fundraising Pages

Title & AuthorDonorsTotal Raised
stop the Republican war on working fa... 
Progressive Change Campaign Committee...
Support the Wisconsin Recall 
MoveOn.org Political Action
help Elizabeth Warren fight Rove's sw... 
Progressive Change Campaign Committee...
the official PCCC Wisconsin Recall ca... 
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Orange to Blue 2012 
help the PCCC keep fighting for bold ... 
our TV ad to recall Wisconsin Republi... 
PCCC Recall Committee & DFA Wisconsin
Orange to Blue 
Daily Kos
Recall Scott Walker 
Scott Walker Recall Campaign
Orange to Blue 2010 

For the first time since May, Obama has hit 51% approval on Rasmussen.

Understand that we are 9 months from the election and all the rhetoric is negative.  Obama and his henchmen are busy making up accusation and "trying to make hay"  while the sun shines.  From the opposing camp,  there is nothing but negativism as the Republican's primary process gets even more ugly.   Get used to it.  Republicans will take a beating,  of sorts,  until the primary process is over.  Not to worry.  

No matter who the GOP opponent,  Obama has failed on every level of his presidency and making the case will be devastating,  when the time comes for the real battle to begin.  

In the meantime,  Obama continues to move to the Left.  Maybe he thinks that if he makes enough Left turns,  he will come full circle to another presidential victory.  Win or lose,  I say,  "Bring it on."  

Snoop Dog endorses Ron Paul

Look,  this cannot possible be important,  in terms of endorsement news.  But the Dog's decision to stand behind Ron Paul is very significant,  nonetheless.  It tells all who care to think about it,  that a part of the Hip Hop world is so disenchanted with Barack,  that they are looking elsewhere.  

Point of post:  things just keep getting worse for Obama.  

If Romney is a moderate Republican, he is a Left leaning, colletivist type.

Here is the single question that lead me away from supporting Mitt Romney.

What has he done in terms of a substantive contribution,  to benefit the advancement of the larger conservative agenda?  

I am not asking whether Romney has made conservative decisions that "fit" within the framework of conservative politics.  Heck,  Obama has done that.  But,  at what point in time in his political career has Mitt Romney advanced conservative politics?  The answer to that question, for me,   has helped to frame Romney  as he really is.  Say what you will about Newt,  he has done much for the conservative cause.

Romney Supported Abortion
Romney Opposed Parental Sovereignty

When running for governor in Massachusetts, we have this:  Romney, 2002: One must have the permission of one parent and if a parent doesn't go along, one can go to a judge or justice to get that permission. 

In the current debates,  he reminds his supporters that he has since,  changed his mind.

My question is this:  "Since when?"  Answer:  only after his time as governor.  But, during his time as governor,  he appointed abortion minded judges and did nothing,  absolutely nothing for the saving of young life.
Romney Supported Planned Parenthood

I have seen no recent statements concerning Romney and Planned Parenthood.  But,  during his time as governor,  he supported a supervisory role for Planned Parenthood in the implementation of RomneyCare.  

Romney Supported Mandates to Purchase Product
Romney Supported States as they Violated Constitutional Imperatives.

As governor,  he supported the now infamous "RomneyCare."  He pretends that this effected only 8% of the state's population.   But the fact of the matter lies not in who was immediately and materially affected.  Rather,  the nature of the law,  itself,  is the issue at hand.  And,  in the Massachusetts law,  all citizens are required to own health insurance or post a $150,000 bond.  The fact that only 8% of the states citizenry was without insurance is besides the point.  Romney  believed and continues to support a state law that requires all people to own a product.  In effect,  he argues that states have a right to make decisions for its citizenry that run counter to the US Constitution,  as if the 10th Amendment (States Rights) gives states the right to subvert Constitutional law. 

Romney forced Catholic hospitals to dispense the "morning after" pill

One can't get anymore to the Left than this fact. This goes far beyond the health care issue, itself.  In supporting this decision,  Romney made it clear that he believed that Big Government had the right to challenge the rule of conscience and the separation of church and state.  Again,  the question is,  what has he ever done to advance a conservative state?  

 Romney Supported the Brady Law and Gun Control 

While he supported the Brady Law "back then,"  apparently, he has since changed his position.  Again,  it is not the new position with which I have a complaint,  it is the fact that he has done nothing to advance the conservative agenda concerning the right to bear arms,  except,  of course,  to change his mind on matters that frustrate true conservatives.  

And he continues to lie about the "Speaker scandal" 

He continues to lie about Gingrich's record.  We have documented the fact that Gingrich was not forced out as Speaker in an "act of shame," as Romney describes the matter.  We have noted that sanctions against Newt occurred in 1997; that the charges circled around the supposed  misuse of funds (embezzlement);  that the IRS investigated Gingrich and him blameless;  that, after the sanctions,  Gingrich ran for a third term as Speaker (1998) and  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . won that election.  He quit the Speakership because he did not have enough conservative support to overcome the Democrats "just say no" policy to continuing reform.  Romney has to know the truth of this matter,  but continues to lie about the matter.  

Obama may be his own worst enemy. Here is why.

Within the past month,  Obama 

----   has refused the Keystone pipeline,  a project completely approved by all five states through which it is to pass as well by the wacko's in the EPA. In fact, two different studies have been approved by the EPA.   The permitting process has taken nearly 3 years at a cost to private investor's of 2 billion dollars.  Virtually all the construction jobs are union jobs, but the private sector workplace will benefit, as well.   The completed project will not involve any federal funds.  This decision puts a damper on future investment decisions while appeasing a radical base that could not care less about the creation of jobs.  

----   has recently decided to stall oil drilling projects (shale), all EPA approved,  until after the election, a decision that threatens the creation of 200,000 jobs.  Again,  these projects are funded by private money,  fully approved and are major job creators . . . . BUT, all are very unpopular with the radicalized environmental crowd.  

----   has made the "Buffet rule" a major theme in his re-election strategy.  Obama argues that because millionaires make more today than they did ten years ago (there are actually fewer millionaires today than before),  this,  somehow,  effects "me." His solution to this idiot claim of economic disparity?  He proposes to raise taxes on investment profits (dividends) by 100%,  moving that tax rate from 15% to 30%.  He wants us all to believe that this move will bring balance to the rich/middle class disparity when, in fact, it will solve nothing in that regard. Individuals in the middle class will not receive any of this money and investment capital will dry up. Higher taxes,  under an Obama Administration,  simply allow the Slickmeister to spend more.  No politician in history has ever proposed such a radical tax increase on investment capital, an idea that is not even supported by members of his own party.  

These three examples present a rather startling view of Obama's campaign strategy.  Simply put, he has decided to double down on a failed Left Wing agenda in the belief that his [Leftist] popularity will increase and victory will be his,  all without having to appeal to the moderate and conservative population.  In 2008,  ten states,  all with Republican voting histories,  turned the tables and voted for Obama. In today's political economy, all ten are considered "battleground states,"  or "toss-up" voting blocks.  Without these states, Obama loses 117 electoral votes and the election. It is this sort of circumstance Obama believes  he can reproduce,  in spite of the fact that we all know who he is.  Understand this,  the fact that he was a complete unknown, allowed for his '08 election more so than any other consideration.   Many analysts believe that the phrase, "familiarity breeds discontent" has never been more true than in this case.     

Point of post:  if Obama loses the election,  it just might be more his "fault" than anyone's.  Time will tell.  Let's just hope that he continues to double down on that which is grossly unpopular.   

In a battle between MSM and the social media, the MSM loses, hands down.

What might be a little disconcerting to the Obama campaign is the fact that he is not being discussed that much more than any of the top three GOP candidates.   As per the usual,  however,  the Mainstream Media (MSM)  is completely out of step with the people when it comes to the mention of "Obama."  By a ratio of more than 2 to 1, Obama gets the nod from the MSM  . . . . . and you can bet the vast majority of these addresses are positive.  

What might be overlooked,  is the obvious fact that the social media more than negates the influence of the MSM.  In fact, we have a ratio between the social media  and  MSM  of  900 to 37,  favoring social media discussions.  

No wonder the Marxist Media has lost it ability to influence elections as it once did in the past.  No wonder the Obama government has busied itself working against free speech and an open internet.  

Which candidate was talked about most this week?