As reported in The Blaze, we have this about Ron
Speaking in Iowa Thursday
evening, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said that the Bush
administration were “gleeful” after the September 11 attacks because it gave
them an excuse to invade Iraq.
“Just think of what
happened after 9/11. Immediately before there was any assessment there was glee
in the administration because now we can invade Iraq,” the Texas congressman
said. He also suggested that officials are currently setting the stage for an
invasion of Iran. . . . .
Continue reading here . . . .
I listened to Ron Paul make this ridiculous assertion on the Megan
Kelly show, this morning. Just another reason why I have come to really dislike
this guy . . . . . and before this campaign season I was very impressed with
his thinking on financial matters. In fact, I used to carry his writings on
this blog.
Understand this: when we vote for the President of the United
States, we are voting the Commander and Chief of the baddest military force
this world has ever seen. An anti-war / pacifist type is, therefore,
unqualified to serve this position. Sorry, but that is the more-than-obvious
I don't want to argue about the war in Iraq, but Bush took 14
months to attack. He got the consent of Congress and the U.N. And his military
strategies were successful. The death toll for the American military was the
lowest causality count for a prolonged war in world history. A
million and a half individual solders fought in that war, with less than 4,000
killed in the years of the actual war.
But, here I am, arguing the war when my complaint is the ignorant
claim that Bush was so warped that he was thrilled with the idea of going to
war in Iraq.
Understand that Paul has already lost my support. When he refused
to agree to accept the results of the GOP primary process, he proved himself,
to me, to be little more than an opportunist of the first order.
Ditto for Donald Trump. But that is a subject for another post.
I have made a decision about this coming election: I will not vote
for Ron Paul. He is not a Republican. Rather, he is a Libertarian, plain and
simple. He should run as a Libertarian and stop playing games with the GOP. If
he is the reason Obama wins the coming election. Paul should be run out of town
on a rail.
And I said "Libertarian." Actually, on foreign policy
issues, Ron Paul is nothing less than a silly liberal. He talks of respecting
our enemies; of allowing repressive regimes to continue their immoral policies;
of refusing a moral call to stand for freedom in a world of darkness. His
foreign policy and stance on war are extremely dangerous to the future of this
Anyway, I am ready for his
Yes, you're totally right. We should just stay in a state of perpetual war until we are fully submerged in debt and eventually default, mid-war. That would be best for our country.