Obama demonstrates his lack of knowledge as relates to creating jobs:

The headline is the story: Obama: More jobs in jobless benefits than Keystone .

The Dems began this ridiculous claim in late 2009. The theory is that unemployment benefits provide income to folks who, then, go out and buy stuff, adding to the nation's GDP, and, wala, we have just spent ourselves out of a recession. That is the theory. No other nation in this world makes this ridiculous claim, just us . . . . . . or should I have written, "Just U.S."

The sad thing about this stated theory is this: the Dems present this idea, in lieu of a real jobs plan, as if they had just revolutionalized the world of job creation. They see this theory as a profound economic revelation !!! Europe has been paying its workers to stay home for years and years. Guess what? The are just now having to admit that their plan is so much barnyard . . . . . chunky style barnyard at that.

More than this being a profound revelation, the Dems present this idea as if they have actually accomplished something, when, in fact, they have done nothing. That (doing nothing) is precisely why folks need unemployment benefits!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact of the matter is this: "Keystone" represents more than 200,000 jobs created over a period of 10 years while unemployment benefits do not create any jobs. Those benefits might sustain a number of jobs . . . . . the local grocery store, for example. Extending benefits might be necessary, but none of this is the same as "job growth" because, using this theory, the fantasy of "jobs created" cannot be quantified. Extending unemployment benefits, as necessary as they might be, will not take us out of a recession. This recession will not be over until people get out of their homes and back to work. I know, "easier said than done," but that does not change the truth of the matter.

The past two weeks, Obama and Company have been busy playing games with the unemployment numbers. Week before last, we were told that the monthly unemployment rate had fallen from 9% to 8.6%. and some folks believed this report. Four tenths of a point in one month? Give me a break. That would be the equivalent of the creation of 612,000 jobs, according to the Department of Labor, in just the month of November. That would be an annual rate for jobs creation of 7.2 million jobs per year or 57 million jobs in two presidential terms (8 years). The Clinton and Reagan economies, each, produced 20 million jobs - historic job production never seen before. 57 million jobs !!?? Come on folks, get a life that is real.

And, today (Thursday), we were told that the number of folks applying for first time benefits fell by a whopping 23,000 after rising by 14,000 the week before. Nonsense.

Understand that the truth of this matter will make itself known, soon enough. In 2009, Obama used the temporary jobs of census workers to keep his jobs report for being more of a disaster than it was, but, in time, that caught up with him.

We do not know what is going on, at present, but we do know that in time, reality will overtake fantasy, and the truth will work itself out.

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