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Can the GOP establishment BUY an election?
Will the nomination be won playing Obama/Chicago-style politics?
The Republican establishment seems to think so.
Newt Gingrich thinks they are wrong.
Newt used the debates to talk directly with the American people. And climbed from nowhere to lead in the polls. Newt won a recent Tea Party poll. He also won a recent TownHall/HotAir.com poll. That’s why the establishment's candidate has gone negative. Because he can't win on his merits. He can't run on his record.
THEY ARE OUTSPENDING NEWT 20:1 NEWT NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW You know Newt. You have watched him on Fox News fight for your conservative values. He fought for you as Speaker of the House:
And,We did it all without the establishment’s help. Newt is the proven conservative leader:
Newt has fought for us. Now we need to fight for him. If the establishment buys this nomination, we all lose. Don’t let them. |
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