Debate Coverage: When will the GOP grow a pair and tell the Biased Media what the rules are?

George Stephanopoulos and his Diane Sawyer look-alike wife, Alexandria . . . . ah . . . . Stephanopoulos.

Since they brought it up, I did a little research on the class-status of Sawyers and Stephanopoulos as they grew up, attended school and are now part of the privileged class at ABC News. Here is what I found out:

Two questions were asked during the Friday night ABC debate, that were especially pointed,  designed to put the GOP

candidates on their heels. One had to with the issue of marital fidelity. In view of the fact that only Newt has had to deal with this issue, the intent of the Progressive attack on Newt, by the two moderators, was more than obvious.
The second question, "have any of you had to deal with issues of being poor" (words to that effect), was taken from some Leftist Occupier who had written in to the debate center. It had nothing to do with issues.

I thought the two question were patently shallow and in poor taste, designed to frame the GOP pundits as part of the One Percent, well too do, with nothing of substance, politically, to offer to the growing poor and middle class.

I begin my review with the One Percenter, Diane Sawyer (left and I do mean Left).

Diane is a one time beauty queen turned news reporter. Sawyer, with a four year BA degree from a little known college in Massachusetts, quit law school during her first first year. But, never mind that she could not handle the rigors of post graduate work. Working as a reporter, first with CBS and, now, ABC, she earns $12 million a year and has never known poverty. Her mother was an elementary school teacher and her father, a judge and p0litician. She and her husband, a film director, live in a $11 million dollar home "next door" to some of the wealthiest people in America as neighbors. She has had more than one cat fight with Barbara Walters and lives the life of an aristocrat.

Stephanopoulos has a Masters in Theology and worked as Bill Clinton's press and campaign adviser. He was lured away from the Clinton Administration by ABC News, and is now one of the more important news agents in that Progressive organization. His father was a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church and Dean Emeritus of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. His mother was the national news director of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  He was never poor. Today,  his net worth is $14 million and the last word we have on a salary gives us a $6 million per year figure. He has just accepted a position on ABC's morning show. As a result, it is believed that his annual salary will double.

In his own well-mannered and quite way, Stephanopoulos is one of the most biased news casters in the game. Setting aside the fact that he came to ABC News directly from the Clinton Administration, in an article appearing in the Leftist digital mouth piece for the Progressive movement, Politico (January 27, 2009), the author documented the fact that Stephy, Rahm Emanuel, James Carville and Paul Begala (the consulting partner of Carville) all had daily meetings, mostly by phone, dealing, no doubt, with concerns of the Obama Administration and the national media. At the time, Anita Dunn, a Mao disciple by her own infamous admission, was Obama's communication director; a woman who believed the media needed to be controlled. You can hear Dunn, in her own words, as recorded on the Glenn Beck program as you click on  "Read more . . ." below.

So, there you have it. Two rich kids, both leaders in the media's share of the Progressive Socialist Movement,  privileged folk,  worth more than all on the stage,  last Friday night,   using tactics aligned with class warfare, besmirching  the reputations of those on that debate stage.

Point of post:    when will the Right Wing learn their lesson and stop with the nonsense of having Leftist clowns schedule and set-up these debates?  Does anyone out there in Lala land have any idea how many new subscriptions to the NY Times were sold as a result of their commercials,  last Friday night? How much money was made for the network?   Millions,  no doubt.   People were watching because the GOP was "in town."  We have leverage.  We could have set down with the two privileged hosts,  and told them what subjects were to be discussed . . . .  period.  I am not talking about stacking the deck as to the questions to be asked,  but I am talking about insuring a level playing field,  one in which "we" are not ambushed  at our own, stinking,   events.  

Now,  listen to Anita Dunn's theory of media control, as she represented Obama during his first year as Head Honcho. . . . . .

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