About "Pass this bill now !!"
The America Jobs Act Reviewed for its glaring omissions.
The America Jobs Act Reviewed for its glaring omissions.
First, how much time did this clown take, thinking up this mantra, "Pass this bill?" Geeeeesh.
the bill is a couple of hundred pages, but not thousands. There are lots of facts and figures, but the bill is not on any Congressional website -- you know, like the one Obama promised, "five days before it passes into law."
Understand that what we know IN ADDITION TO THE BILL ITSELF, is more important than what Obama is presenting.
For example, he is using this bill to grow government even more, adding additional agencies to the EPA, for starters. Several hundred new "positions" will be required in this bil at a cost of several billions per year.
As far as taxing the "rich," those "millionaires" that make over $200,000 ? I am being facetious, of course. Here is the "facetious" part: Obama wages war on "millionaires and billionaires" but rolls those who make $200,000 into the mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but wait, It gets much worse!!!
Near the end of the bill, page 138 I believe, we discover that he intends on taxing those who make $125,000 !!
He has to do this, because, OF COURSE, he is not close to paying even 25% of the cost of this bill via taxes. So he plans on a stealth tax on the middle class.
Obama is coming after you if you are rich . . . . . . . . you know . . . . . . . . . ifyou make $65,000 per year after taxes !!! This was probably true back in February of '09 and Stimulus One. It just has not been written into law, yet. It is certainly true now.
Entitlements grow at the approximate rate of 8% per year. That is about to change with advent of the Baby Boomers into the system -- 15,000 a day will be added to the system for the next two decades. Neil Cavuto, on Fox Business, tells us that this bill will cut entitlement spending ( Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) by 2.5% . Of course, that will never happen because it binds Congress to specific action for the next decade and there is no legal process that allows for that kind of forced commitment. Bu, t even if there was a long term commitment to this bill, entitlement spending would grow the debt by trillions over the course of any ten year period. Entitlements as a collective, would increase by 5.5% each year, in this scenario. Cutting the rate of increase is not cutting anything. It is adding to our debt more slowly than otherwise. Thanks for nothing, Obama.
Know this, in the coming decade, the Big Three Entitlements will accrue 21.4 trillion (with a "t") in costs, and Obama is doing nothing about that. Nine trillion of this amount will be borrowed money if nothing changes . . . . . . and change is about to happen, make no mistake. How do I know. Because us old timers, we the TEA Party People, will live long enough to straighten this mess out, and we are not going away . . . . . . . . period. Take a look at my picture and see if you think I am kidding around.
In 2011 alone, the Obama administration released more than 54,000 pages of regulations. I will leave it up to God to figure out how many pages have been added in the first two years of this man's administration. One thing for sure, Obama has done nothing to lessen his fetish for government control via regulations.
Bureaucrats are unelected officials, hired by the government to do any number of things, but, as relates to our discussion, they are unelected individuals who write 99% of all the laws/regulations that govern and/or mess up our lives. Obama is fine with that. It is this flood of regulations that has served, in part, as a "wet blanket" thrown over the current "recovery."
In this bill, Obama continues his attack on private charities, and considers donating to them a "loophole." No more tax deductions for church and private charity donations. The truth of the matter is that Obama does not believe in private charities. Government is that which redistributes wealth.
Each year, millions of middle class folks deduct their mortgage interest from the federal tax burden. With this bill, that deduction is going away . . . . . . . just when the housing industry needs this deduction (as incentive to buy) the most.
Remember the good old days when we could deduct our state taxes from the Federal tax bill? Well, under this new bill, that is a "loophole" and will not be allowed, if the bill comes into law.
No doubt there is more, much more, but I say, "This is enough!!" It is time for this jerk to move out of our White House and be gone. Guess we have to wait out the 13 months until the next election. We can do that. Just know, that it is not only Obama who needs to hit the road.
The entire "Progress Fortress" needs to be destroyed. That is the goal of the TEA Party and I believe it will happen.
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