Nevada's Special Election
Yesterday in the Nevada special election, Republican Mark Amodei trounced Democrat Kate Marshall, 56% to 39% with help from Obama's extremely poor performance playing "president."
Because of the Ensign scandal, the fact that Reid won in November of 2010, and Obama's victory in 2008, one would have thought the race would have been, at the least, competitive, but a 17 point victory is a rather startling scrubbing.
Updated results: GOP 57% to Dems 34% or a 21 point margin. By the way, Obama won this state in '08 by 11 points.
New York's 9th District Special Election
In New York, the 9th District is heavily Democrat, almost 3 to 1 Democrat. Anthony Weiner, a seven term congressman, beat yesterdays victor, Bob Turner, by 20 points in 2010. Obama had carried the state with 55% of the popular vote.
The margin of victory, yesterday? With 75% of the precincts reporting, the Associated Press gave the election to Turner and his 53% to 47% vote margin. What is amazing about this particular GOP victory is this: Turner made this election all about Obama and he took a House seat that had been in the hands of the Democrats since 1923.
I have been saying for nearly a year and a half, now, that Obama could lose the 2012 election by substantial enough margins that he might bring down his own party. I have one great argument supporting my claim: the 2010 disaster [for the Dems] that was the mid-term elections. A record number of seats were won in the Senate by the GOP and the House reversed "ownership," with the GOP taking full control for the first time in four years.
Updated results: GOP 54% to 46% for the Dems or an eight point margin.
Both elections, yesterday, were very telling for the GOP, but, for different reasons.
You read it first, here, at Midknight Review
Now, here is something that you will not read about on today's forums; I believe that Obama could lose the State of New York, in 2012. Think about these numbers and see if you do not agree: Al the Gore won in 2000, against George Bush, with 67% of the popular vote. By contrast and after all the hoopla, Obama took New York with just 55% of the vote. A 6 point change in voting records would give the state to the GOP. Turner won by that very margin, yesterday, in the bluest of New York's counties.
New York has a huge Jewish population. There were political ads out there, in this election cycle, that proclaimed, "A vote for Obama is a vote against Israel." And the strategy worked because the claim is true.
Obama's convoluted Mid East strategy has put Israel in its worst circumstance since 1948. Before the Libyan and Egyptian rebellions are over, radicalized, Israel hating, governments might be in control of both countries. Already, in Egypt, the Israeli/Egyptian border has been opened, for the first time in years, allowing radical Muslims to freely cross over into Israel. And, in the past two weeks, we have learned that Iran has been giving military support to the rebels in Libya. Not good.
Add to this, Obama's misguided policy in Iraq and his refusal to help the young freedom fighters in Iran a year ago, ignoring their pleas from his assistance, and you have a terrible situation in that part of the world.
Mitt Romney told Bill O'Reilly, yesterday, that Obama's foreign policy record may be even more harmful to the US than his domestic policy. Exactly. And it is not just the Middle East. He has sat around and watched Iran, China and Russia make huge inroads into South America, as well.
At any rate, the world as we know it is a mess, and Obama's ineptness has play no small role in that circumstance. The two elections, yesterday, may be indications that others are thinking the same thing.
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