Obama and the Democrat National Chairperson refuse to criticize the "go to hell" comments of the Democrat constituency.

We all know that the most critical issue facing this nation is the lack of leadership represented in the Obama Administration. If you follow the commentary on this blog, you know that less than 8% of those in this Administration have come out of the business community, out of the private sector. By contrast, each previous Administration has averaged 30% or more with regard to private sector experience. But it gets worse.

Obama has never served in the military. He has never studied military strategies. He has never marched for the advancement of the Black community. Apparently, he was advanced through college by rite of affirmative action and had no obvious source of income during those years. He taught summer sessions at Columbia University for several years, yet, not a single student has ever come forward proudly bragging of having sat at the feet of this "great man." He is credited with being a "Constitutional scholar" without having given a single critical speech nor having written a single paper (peer reviewed or otherwise) as to Constitutional issues. He came to the presidency without an ounce of management experience. He knows nothing of economics and has no training in this regard. It is not clear that he has ever studied the requisite functions demanded of a responsible diplomatic effort. He is the first president to aggressively work his agenda while diminishing the Constitutional partnership between the executive and legislative branches of congress. He kills terrorist with impunity while criticizing waterboarding and has not captured a single terrorist leader for purposes of interrogation since he became Commander And Chief. He has no clue as to waging war and glibly puts our soldiers in harms way because of his PC rules of engagement, prohibiting them from "shooting first," and, asking for air support when under fire. During the recent debt ceiling crisis, he made it clear that he would spend available funds on programs other than Social Security, wounded vet programs and Medicare/Medicaid.

And, now, we realize that he is perfectly willing to put this country into civil crisis, refusing to stand up against the thuggish talk of immature union leadership and ignorant congressional figures. Haffa talks of "taking out" the TEA Party "sons of bitches" and Obama says nothing. Maxine Waters sends the TEA Party "straight to hell" without a word of appeasement from our national leader. The Congressional Black Caucus actually accuses members of congress with wanting blacks "hanging from trees" without a word of common sense from the man in our White House. His Vice President typifies political opposition as "barbarians" and "terrorists." Trumpka, AFL-CIO leaders brags about cramming ObamaCare ". . . . down the Republicans’ throats and out their backsides.” without a correction from Obama. The Black Caucus threatens the private sector with extinction in these words: “bring the gangsters in, put them around the table, and let them know that if they don’t come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes, that they’ve worked so hard for, we’re gonna tax them out of business” as Obama takes a 10 day vacation. I could present dozens of such examples -- all with nothing but silence coming from the White House.

Debbie Schultz, the DNC chairperson, appeared on Fox's early morning show and was asked to deny the harsh Democrat rhetoric over this past weekend. She refused. In fact, Democrat pundits, one after another, are refusing to move to a more civil discourse.

I have to tell you that I have worried for a long while as to the aftermath of an Obama defeat coupled with a massive conservative victory in the coming 2012 elections. Let's not forget that the Democrat Party is the party of Woodstock and the violent Leftist "resistance" of years gone by.

We have only to look to Wisconsin to see what might be a part of our national future. There, in Wisconsin, the Democrats, defeated in a legal election, decided not to comply with the election results and fled the state in an illegal effort to confound that election. These people are lawless and willing to put this nation in harms way with their protests.

Be warned. We are no longer dealing with people who have a respect for law and order.

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