The AP is reporting that Obama intends on giving a preview of his Thursday speech at an AFL-CIO union gathering in Detroit, sometime today.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is celebrating Labor Day in Detroit, previewing his ideas for job creation and economic growth at a rally with thousands of supportive labor union members.
And what does this mean? Well, for starters, it means that the Thursday speech is compatible with the standards of the socialist unions of the Northeast. It means that when Obama speaks of "jobs for the middle class," he really means "jobs for unionized workers" (who represent 6% of the total labor force). It means that Big Business will continue to be demonized. It means "infrastructure jobs" for union workers, those folks who will not allow you to work in states where they are the dominate voting block. It means more of "buy American," code for "support your local union.."
If he really had something important to say, he would not give it a "test run" today. Who on earth will take time to listen to a speech they have already heard, one that has been thoroughly presented via union exposure and/or official "leaks?"
The news of the day is most discouraging, if one had hoped Obama would come to congress with innovative ideas and a new sense of bi-partisanship. Ain't going to happen. Let's not forget that it is union strategy to oppose the secret ballot, free political speech, the demonetization of the those who support capitalism, Constitutional liberties and states rights. Richard Trumpka, the head of the AFL-CIO, has bragged about being a socialist. He has publicly assaulted capitalism and aggressively supports the anti-American policy of "card check" (the unionization of a company or shop without a secret ballot). He is little more than an overweight thug, one who visits the White House more than any other single individual in this country . . . . . seriously.
The coming election promises to be as partisan as the 2010 election. Tighten your belt and expect the worst.
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