I have long claimed that Obama is extremely unpopular with the military. His PC rules of engagement have put our troops in harms way since he took over as Commander And Chief - ordering them to not engage the enemy unless they have been fired upon, ending the opportunity for ambushes and "surprise attacks" on an enemy hell bent on their (our soldiers) deaths. Miranda rights are read to many on the battle field. An enemy combatant, running into a house and, then, exiting without his gun, is allowed to walk away without be pursued bty our forces. There is a "catch and release" policy with regard to the enemy. And our soldiers, should they be "pinned" down and under dire straights, are not allowed to call in air support if there is a chance the innocent might be killed -- Obama willing to sacrifice our soldiers for the sake of a misguided and sickening sense of PC nonsense.
On August the 5th, Obama made an appearance at the Washington Navy Yard, and received with an unusual coldness, by the men and women present. They know that their safety is not nearly as important to Obama as the safety of others, on the battlefield.
You might be interested in this video clip of the August 5th occasion.
This has little to do with the above response, but Obama's decision to pull out all troops remaining in Iraq except 3,000 is Obama taking a huge chance with the lives of the soldiers remaining in harms way. If nothing happens to these soldiers, well and good, but not to the credit of the Commander And Chief.
Can you imagine what would happen to Obama's polling numbers if our soldiers are assaulted and murdered because of their numbers? The decision is almost criminal and proves the fact that a president cannot be a pacifist. Sorry, but the president is also, the Commander of the best army of all time -- he simply cannot do his job if he functions as a pacifist to any degree.
Heck, the man does not even have a definition for "victory" in Afghanistan. Just another reason why we need this jerk gone from the presidency.
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