The biggest story of the week is not the U.N. mess.

We have a "news flash." The House just failed to pass the next "continuing resolution." Eric Cantor, second in command in the House predicted the bill would pass, but the House, surprisingly, failed to garner the 217 votes necessary by 23 votes (195 to 235).

Once again and out of the blue, the government is on the cusp of shutting down. Understand that we are stuck with "continuing resolutions" because the Democrats in congress refuse to pass an annual budget. October will begin the third consecutive fiscal year this government will be run without an approved budget. The House, under Republican control, has passed a budget and sent it to the Senate. Harry Reid put that budget on the back burner and will use the ensuing "crisis" to blame the GOP. With the first two years, the 111th congress (run by Reid and Pelosi), never produced so much as an outline for a budget. And now, the new (112th) is doing what it can, but the GOP controls only the House.

If you are asking, "Why, all of a sudden, are we having to vote on one bill after another to avoid government shutdown" -- this (the above) is why . . . . . . . . . . . . and it ain't the fault of the GOP.

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