‘You are insane!’ The moment comedian Jon Stewart lost his cool with Fox News host Chris Wallace — It was pitched as a classic grudge match between the left and right of network television. — And when Daily Show host Jon Stewart entered the ‘lions den’ of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, the results did not disappoint. . . . .
This storyline came from a European news paper and gives us a little insight as to why they - the Europeans - could not win the war without our help. If any of you watched the "debate" between Stewart and Wallace, Stewart was anything but hot headed and belligerent, as the headline suggests. "You're insane" was much more a comedic response than it was a hot headed insult against Wallace. The interview was a test of wits, to some extent, but the context was one of congeniality and shared respect.
Two things about this Sunday discussion. First, it actually disproved what Stewart spent time denying . . . . that he was not an ideologue. Silliness on Stewart's part. His Daily Show is among the best in half hour comedy, but it is thoroughly driven by his ideology despite Jon Stewart's denials. Look, 80 to 90 percent of his political humor is directed against conservatives and this is an improvement over The Daily Show of the Bush years. His is an ideologue of the worst order because he is effective and he is that because of his sense of humor. Comedy carries his ideology into the mainstream. The notion that Stewart is not an ideologue is simply stupid wrong. One cannot be supportive of every liberal issue without being an ideologue. Whether that is by happenstance or not is of no consequence, here. Ideology is ideology.
A second point is this business that conservatives are ill-informed. Stewart made this point in the Sunday interview and without serious challenge. Wallace wanted to talk about other things, but this an issue that Chris should not have let slide. Indeed, the right has its share of "one toothers." But their ignorance does not overshadow the ignorance of the educated Left. Nothing is more of an existential disappointment than a stupid but educated man. And the Left is replete with their presence.
It is the educated that pushes as science, a thing we call the "big bang." Of course this is not science. Rather, it is a philosophical conclusion driven by a specific and intolerant bias. "Science" is "the experiment" and the reporting of the experiment. There is no "experiment" that demands a "big bang," only a philosophical persuasion that cannot allow for the supernatural. In the end, these educated folks have to bow to the eternity of matter and molecular motion, because neither can be explained into existence apart from a rabid faith in that which cannot be explained. "Where did matter in its most elemental form and molecular motion come from" has but one answer: "They were just always there." And with that, the whole of the scientific conclusion against God (and I am only talking about the Christian God by whatever name you call Him) falls apart.
Until one can honestly believe that a hundred pennies thrown into the air for millions of years will ever result in them falling perfectly on top of each other, all heads up, I will not believe that the complications of a leaf just happened. While the likes of Jon Stewart thinks little of that example, it is, in fact, the logical end to a mindless belief in a godless evolution.
There are other examples. We have the Left telling us that we can prevent climate change. Another point of silliness. Apparently the ice ages of the past, prehistoric, would never have happened if [certain educated] man had been around. These folks have no answer for the climate change that parallels this globe and is occurring on other plants in our solar system.
Maybe its Bushes fault.
Ah!! And there is another example. The Left loves to talk of the "disastrous" economy of the Bush years, all eight years, pretending (a) this was a fact and (b) the one man, Bush, did all the damage as if the Democrat controlled congress of 2007 and 2008 did not exist. Barney Frank, the toothless gay congressman, head of the finance committee in the House, and Chris "Sandwich" Dodd, the head of finance in the Senate were both in charge of this nation's financial oversight during the very time the economy collapsed. Stewart cannot be taken seriously (lucky for him that he is a comedian) when he goes along with the Bush criticism. On the other hand, Obama did not inherit anything. He and his congressional buds voted for virtually all of the Bush spending and are equally to blame, for that very reason.
The notion that the two political persuasions are separated by an imagined "intelligence" factor is ridiculous in a demonstrable way.
Update: it might surprise you to learn that the listeners of the Daily Show are as well informed as are the listeners of Rush Limbaugh. The difference is this: there are a couple of million Daily listeners and 23 million in the Limbaugh camp -- and they are all going to vote in 2012.
Click on this sourse: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/jun/20/jon-stewart/jon-stewart-says-those-who-watch-fox-news-are-most/
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