Obama's attack on Trump, in his face, is part of a pattern of classless actions taken by the Pretender in our White House.

Trump calls Obama's nasty monologue 'inappropriate'...

That is the headline for the moment. And, indeed, after listening to Jokester Obama, I have decided that Obama hide behind the guise of "plausible accountability" as he insulted Trump to his face, pretending that it was humor.

He has done the same sort of thing several times in the past.

In 2009, he got himself invited to a GOP congressional conference and used the occasion to ridicule them. What was most egregious about that event was the fact that he talked himself into being invited and invited on the condition that it be televised. The end game was a deliberate and premeditated ambush of the Republican caucus.

He used the occasion of the 2010 State of the Union Address to berate and condemn the members of the Supreme Court sitting at his feet.

And just two weeks ago, he invited Paul Ryan to his 2nd budget presentation and used the first 24 minutes to blame Bush and attack Ryan in the worst of ways.

He has "ambushed" Israel's Prime Minister on several occasions and stiffed private/parochial schools, leaving them off the Easter egg roll list in the spring of 2009. He ordered the Latin lettering for "Jesus" covered over as a precondition to his coming to the University of Georgetown campus for a commensurate speech. He has betrayed partnerships such as Great Briton, revealing the missile count of England to the Russians as a condition of the New START Treaty. One of his first official actions as "president," was to insult Britain's national hero, Winston Churchill, by sending the WWII allied leader's bust, sitting in the White House on loan from Great Briton, back to that country . . . . . . . against their wishes and without explanation.

And yesterday, his attack on Trump was both classless and mean spirited. He has worn out his welcome and, in 2012, may get the biggest surprise of his pathetic and ego-centric life. Maybe not.


  1. And don't forget... Bush FAILED to kill bin Laden. Obama kills Osama. Game over.

  2. The ordinances for this particular attack was began four years ago, moron. Indeed, Obama shares in the victory and ordered the actual attack but the methodology for this event was created under Bush. Period.

    What is rather humorous is the fact that this anti-war president has converted to being quite the war monger, using nearly all of the Bush strategies.

  3. History review:

    "I don’t know where he [Bin Laden] is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him. I truly am not that concerned about him."

    - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02, White House Press Conference - six months after 9/11, 3 months after he let bin Laden escape from Tora Bora.

    The Bush Administration admitted Bin Laden escaped from Tora Bora: "that failure to commit U.S. ground troops to hunt him was its gravest error in the war against al Qaeda"

    These are the facts documented for history.

  4. And Obama has denied that we are in a "war on terror." His Afghan "rules for engagement" have counted for the deaths of countless soldiers, fighting in that war theater.

    This fact and the quotes you give above do not mean that we were not aggressively pursuing the Coward, bin Laden.

    Turns out, William, what the enemy hears our leaders saying and what we are actually doing are, often, two different things.
