No one is talking about cutting taxes. They are only talking about cutting or continuing the current tax rates.

Our headline might surprise some. Here is our defense.

Understand that the GOP believes in raising taxes. They believe that increased taxes can be collected while Americans are keeping more of what they earn. They believe that both circumstances can occur at the same time.


When Reagan became president, he got the tax rate for the rich reduced from the immoral percentage of 70% to 28&. That was the tax rate. By the end of his eight year term, the IRS was collecting more than 930 billion for the year, compared to 500 billion in collections before the Reagan rate cuts.

Under Reagan, taxes actually increased. JFK a Democrat, had the same sort of success, dropping the tax rate for the most wealthy from 90% to 70%. Revenues increased. Clinton reduced corporate tax rates helped to "balance the budget."

Tax rate reduction is not a fantasy of Right Wing conservatives. It is the product of an accomplished policy, a policy used by Democrat and Republican presidents since the 1960's.

Understand that half of this nation's population pays no federal or state income taxes at all. Maybe they should. 5% would be huge and they would survive paying that tax rate.

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