But, for some reason, with Obama it is a big deal.
Chris Matthews, over at the Idiots Station (MSNBC) has asked for the birth certificated, as well.
What these two people have done is to make asking, permissible. Trump and Matthews are hardly "wingnuts" as some count nuts. They would like to see the thing. In fact, they do not understand why Obama will not show the certificate.
Governor Abercrombie, Hawaii, made a big deal of putting the issue to rest when Obama vacationed in Hawaii this past winter. He could not find the document. What got lost in all the hype was the fact that Obama was right there, in Hawaii, while Abercrombie was looking. Sooooo, why in the world didn't Obama go down to the country recorders office and make the revelation, himself ?? And why didn't anyone there, at the time, think this would have been a good idea?
I am 65 and have been lied to by the stinking

Click on the image to enlarge. This is the document that Obama present to whoever. Guess what? It is laser printed -- back in the 1960's ??
But what about those two newspaper articles announcing his birth? What !! You think they could not have been manufactured? Look, all I know is that when the matter became a question during the 2008 campaign, Obama took time off the campaign trail to visit his sick grandmother, in Hawaii. He took no one in the press corp. There are no pictures of him after he got off the plane. Oh, he went to visit his grandmother. She was quite ill and died soon afterwards. But what about the time between visits? Where was he? And why do we not have any documentation as to his Hawaiian itinerary? Nothing, Not a photo nor a notation. Nothing.
And when he came back, walla, there was this redacted "short form" Obama attempted to pass off as the birth certificate. The number of the document was redacted !!! By whom? The Obama folks. Why would you cover over the number of your birth certificate -- unless that document was fake and the number, if traced, would prove the fakery to be just that, a fake??
Call me crazy but this whole matter stinks to high heaven. Wouldn't it be a pisser if he was a Jamaican, his wife was from England and the two girls belonged to Sarah Palin??
By jove, I think I am onto something.
OOOOPs. At the bottom of the redacted short form it says, "Any alteration invalidates this certificate." Apparently, the document is not even a valid fake.
The Republican party is now the Birther Party. 51% of Republicans believe Obama is not an American. How can you believe anything coming from these reality denying morons?
ReplyDeleteBeing Republican is truly becoming a mass mental illness.
Who is denying what? Nothing in my article that says Obama is not an American citizen.
ReplyDeleteAll we are doing is asking Obama to do the same thing we ask our Little Leaguers to do when they sign up for baseball. Nothing more.
You tell me, William, why the Hawaiian governor could not find the certificate. You tell me why Chris Matthews thinks Obama should produce the document. You tell me why Trump called for the document. Go ahead -- splain please.