Gorelick served as vice chairman of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) when the government-sponsored enterprise began bundling subprime loans into securitized financial instruments. Prior to that, she served as deputy attorney general in the Clinton Justice Department under then-Attorney General Janet Reno from 1994 to 1997. Understand that she played a role in the sub-prime scandal and worked under one of the incompetent Attorney Generals of all time.
Here is the real problem: Gorelick is perhaps best known for her 1995 memo, written when she was deputy attorney general, that later became known as “Gorelick’s Wall,” a policy prescription limiting the flow of information between intelligence gatherers and criminal investigators that some believe helped allow the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center to go unchallenged. In fact, if an American can be accused of sharing a degree of blame for 9/11, it is this woman. Information was intercepted by different intelligent agencies about the pending 9/11 strike. It was her idiot policy, one that has since been taken down, that prevented this flow of critical information. She is an idealist Marxist style Liberal and needs to be run out of the intelligence community all together. She is dangerous to this country and that is a proven fact.
If she becomes FBI director, we will be less safe as a nation as a result of Gorelick's idealism. It amazes me as to the scope of Obama's incompetence. It is shocking and thoroughly disconcerting. Source of some of the text in this report: : http://nation.foxnews.com/fbi/2011/03/23/woman-tied-911-fannie-mae-obamas-fbi-shortlist#ixzz1HTqrZrl4
End notes:
1. Here is a report regarding Gorelick written by Andrew McCarthy, the man who prosecuted the blind shiek in 1995.
2. This 2004 article is a telling summary of a stubborn Gorelick, unwilling to accept responsibility for her contribution to 9/11 - something that makes her a dangerous addition to the Obama Administration.
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