Over the past couple months in the Senate, I have been asking conservatives across the country to help defeat several vulnerable Democrats, including Kent Conrad (D-ND), Ben Nelson (NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Jim Webb (D-VA). Now, Senators Conrad and Webb have already called it quits.

These Democrats are retiring because they know there is an army of freedom-loving Americans waiting to do whatever it takes to defeat them at the ballot box. The odds are not in their favor, and they know it.
We've made significant progress, but we have a long way to go if we're going to build a conservative majority in the Senate. We need to keep these Democrats on the run and we need to recruit and fund conservative candidates to replace them.
It's not enough to elect just any Republican. We need courageous leaders who are willing to fight for the principles of freedom that are the backbone of our nation. We need rock-solid, citizen legislators who aren't afraid of the Washington establishment.
Senate Republicans may retake the majority in 2012, but what good will it be if that majority doesn't include the kind of people who will help us take our country back from the career politicians who love to spend other people's money?
I founded the Senate Conservatives Fund to support grassroots, underdog candidates who will stand up to the big spenders in both political parties. It hasn't made me popular in the halls of the Senate, but thanks to the support of thousands of conservative patriots, it's proven to be extremely effective.
Support the Senate Conservatives Fund
Among all leadership PACs, the Senate Conservatives Fund was ranked #1 for raising the most money in the 2010 election cycle. We raised over $9 million and used it to elect Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ron Johnson (R-WI).
The Washington establishment said these leaders could not win because they were too conservative. Yet, they won anyway and are now working every day in the Senate to stop President Obama's radical agenda.
We proved the naysayers wrong last year and we can do it again with your help.
That's why I'm writing to ask you to make a contribution to the Senate Conservatives Fund today. We want to force even more Democrats into early retirement and replace them with the strongest conservative leaders in the nation.
To do this, we need your help to raise $500,000 by the end of March. This will help us deliver the knock-out punch to the liberals in the Senate who are destroying our country. Here's exactly what we need to reach our goal:
- 2,000 people to contribute $50
- 1,000 people to contribute $100
- 500 people to contribute $250
- 250 people to contribute $500
- 50 people to contribute $1,000
I know this is a lot to ask and if you're not in a place to contribute, please sign up for our email updates so you can stay informed and keep us in your prayers. But if you can contribute, I'm confident it will have a major impact on the direction of country for generations to come.
You see, the Senate Conservatives Fund only supports proven conservatives. We don't endorse incumbents and we don't support wishy-washy politicians who are Republicans in name only (RINOs). We work to elect new leaders who are committed to join the fight, not the Senate club. In order to win our support, candidates have to pledge to:
- Support the Balanced Budget Amendment
- Oppose all earmarks
- Repeal ObamaCare
- Stop all tax increases
- Oppose amnesty and secure our borders
- Defend the 2nd Amendment
- Protect the unborn
- Support term limits for Congressmen and Senators
Our nation is at a breaking point and we absolutely must win more conservative victories in the Senate if we're going to save the country we know and love. And I'm confident there is no better way to achieve those victories than by supporting the Senate Conservatives Fund.
Thank you for considering my request. Together, we can take our country back.

Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund
P.S. SCF was recently ranked #1 in the nation among all leadership PACs. We raised more money than anyone else and invested it in electing true conservative leaders. We did it because of thousands of freedom-loving Americans like you were willing to sacrifice to save their country. Please help us continue our fight for the principles of freedom by making a contribution to SCF today.

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