FDA admits to a mistake in its approval of Avastin. But that is not our only concern with this agency.

We need the FDA -- in its present form -- like Custer needed another Indian. Understand this, after all the years since 1906, this food and safety agency has been allowed to morph into a 5th wing of government and stands on the verge of becoming a social controlling entity used by Marxist control freaks to effect behavioral changes that align themselves with the socialist agenda that has raised its ugly head during the Obama Administration.

Is that what is happening with the news concerning Avastin?

Conspiracy Theory

The agency is being used to help manage ObamaCare. Understand that this health reform law has no chance of abiding by the promises of balanced budgeting without the effective existence death ban panels. Yesterday, the FDA released its decision to remove Avastin from the market.

No, it is not unsafe to use. The drug had been previously approved by the FDA. In fact, for final stage breast cancer victims, it can extend their lives by 5 months and more. Of course, when life is extended, the opportunity for healing always exist and, on occasion, actually takes place. What we have, then, is an effective drug that is being taken off the market because of its high cost.

Utilitarian Theory

Many will disagree. Avastin is the best selling cancer drug in the world, worth a billion dollars a year to its manufacturer, Roche. In fact, it was approved by FDA. So, do we have an example of politics at its worst?

Maybe not.

Avastin was originally put on a fast track for approval. Big Pharma wanted "fast track approval" and the FDA obliged. With the passing of time, however, continuing studies have shown the drug to be no more effective than chemo therapy but much more expensive. In fact, Roche, itself, has noted this problem in the recent past.

While our complaint with the FDA is found in its control of social behavior with its school lunch programs and the demonizing of second hand smoke, obesity, carbon dioxide, and the pursuit of implicit cap and trade considerations, we admit that when it functions in light of its original purpose and and and limitations, it provides a service.

The Avastin decision probably is one of those decisions.

Big Pharma asked for "fast track approval" and, in this case, that backfired. The FDA did it job in this decision.

We remain quite conspiratorial in our consideration of the FDA and the threat it poses to individual freedoms, however. Socialist administrations such as the Obama Administration, uses the FDA to circumvent congress and the legislative process. This must be corrected. This must be stopped. The purposes of the FDA need to be defined in such a way as to allow transparency and accountability via Congressional committee. In fact, the various agencies of the Federal government -- FDA, FCC, FTC, etc. -- need to be taken out of the realm of presidential power and placed in the hands of Congressional committee review.

From a conservative/libertarian point of view, this country is in a mess. It will take a number of years to recover our government for the Peoples' control. The last election has been totally ignored by the Dems and that has to change beginning, we think, with the elimination of the Lame Duck session of Congress. The very party voted out of power is using the Lame Duck to tell the people, "go to hell." That needs to be remedied.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, John. I had heard something about this drug...you've explained it well. Keep up the good work.
