Obama, the first to seek advice from a jokester. In fact, he is the king of firsts.

The Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner, paid a professional visit to Jon Stewart last April. The purpose of the visit? To ask for advise on dealing with economic issues . Geeesh.

This Administration has established soooo many "firsts." This is the first Administration to pass a major piece of legislation (ObamaCare) while refusing to accept any amendments from the "other side" ( 800 such amendments were choked to death in committee). It is the first Administration to pronounce this nation a "nonChristian" nation while asserting that it was the "largest Muslim nation" in the world -- neither notion being true, of course. Obama is the first to order the name of "Jesus" covered over before agreeing to give a commencement speech at Georgetown University. He is the first to place a Mao bulb on a Christmas tree -- a Mao ornament on a tree giving honor to Christ. He is the first to have less than 30% of his advisory staff come from the private sector -- the actual total out of real world advisors is 8%. Obama is the first to support the New Black Panthers or any group of that ilk. He is the first to surround himself with admitted Communists and One World Socialists. He is the first to partner with the SEIU in crafting national policy (he has met with Andy Sterns of SEIU fame and Richard Trumka of the AFl-CIO more than 30 times each - far more than any other non-staff personnel). He is the first to meet with the "opposition party" only twice in the first 14 months of his administration. No other president has functioned to such a partisan degree, none. Obama was the first to campaign for the presidency outside this country. He is the first to address the Muslim world (the Cairo speech). Like so many other functions, Obama did not follow-up on this gesture and now experiences a 12% approval rating among our enemies. While we do not care about CAIR and its world-wide Muslim terrorist support groups, we are amazed that he would commit to such a gesture without any follow-up. He is the first anti-business president and the first in modern times to openly chide the Supreme Court (State of the Union, Jan 27, 2010). He is first to spend 15 months of time in the giving of speeches and making personal appearances (campaign and otherwise) What we are saying here is this, Obama has made over 1400 personal appearances (speeches and whatever). There is simply no way these appearances do not average 3 hours in the expense of time. Measured against a 9 hour day, the total time spent is 15 months, assuming he works 7 day weeks. He has been "president" 22 months. He has done nothing but talk for 15 months.

And this brings us back to Jon Stewart. Seriously, we do not care how intelligent folks think Stewart is, to imagine that Obama and Company have so little experience that they think they need a two hour conference with a comedian marks out an unbelievable degree of ineptitude. And that is the point of this post.

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