Global Warming models for the Gulf Coast have no parallels in Coastal weather realities. Here's proof.

Click on this image for a great close-up of a powerful category 4 hurricane.

The headline for this post:
FORECASTERS BLOW IT: Despite dire predictions, hurricane season benign for USA...

Editor's notes:
Katrina happened in 2005 and the Democrats immediately turned it into a Bush Bash despite the fact that first responders IN ANY DISASTER must come from the local, county and state functionaries. THAT is the lesson learned from the 2005 hurricane season. Understand that Katrine was a level 3 hurricane, not a level 5 as was being reported at the time -- by the Bush Bashing media. Also, know that the death and destruction attributed to Katrina was actually the result of an inadequate levy system, another "fact" misapplied by Bush Haters.

Again, the flooding in New Orleans was due to a catastrophic failure in the system of levy's making a dry New Orleans possible. At the time, well over 1.3 billion Federal dollars had gone to reconstruction of the levy system, much of that money misused by the local governments (city, county and state) . It has been estimated that less than half of this funding was properly used. Since there was no system in place to measure funding accountability, we will never know.

But this is not a story about waste, fraud and theft, Rather, this is about the failure of Warming Climatologists to predict weather related outcomes or even to get certain weather related facts put into the proper context. Following Katrina, Global Warming enthusiasts predicted the worst hurricane season in American history for 2006. In fact, in the three years that followed Katrina, only one major hurricane hit the Gulf Coast, Ike, a category 4 hurricane in 2008. No more than four category 3 hurricanes have hit Gulf Coast properties in the five years following Katrina. The prediction was for 40 such hurricanes with 2006 and 2010 being forecast as the two "worst years" in modern history. Didn't happen.

Understand that most weather forecasts including the dire predictions related to global warming come from "models" created by climatologists For any given region, there may be dozens of such models. In recent years, the models that reflect the notion of global warming have registered massive failures - the Gulf Coast models being part of that failed predictive collective.

Point of post: to document the difficulties global warming zealots have encountered since 2005 -- their predictive Gulf Coast model, an unmitigated failure. Little wonder, then, as to why the climate Nazi's have moved away from "global warming," preferring "clmate change," instead. The One Worlder's in our midst, need as many crises as they can manufacture.

Note: some of our facts came from this source - PERMALINK

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