The Federal Government is full of tax cheats. Nothing new BUT Obama promised to make a difference.

The chart is a bit misleading. The fact is this: nationwide, Federal workers own the IRS more than a billion dollars in back taxes.

The chart to the left compares a specific aspect of the problem with previous years.

This is a story (here) that will make the rounds in the conservative blogsphere and it will look bad for Obama.

To be fair, previous Administrations have stood over similar situations. The real story, here, is the promise of a new and better day with the advent of the Novice. Turns out this was election cycle rhetoric and nothing more.

Undersand that Obama often posits the need for "accurate" political speech and implies that Democracy is the worse for wear when "misinformation" is allowed to populate the air-waves - hence the need for the so-called "fairness" doctrine or "net neutrality."

The single most profound mystery floating around in the mind of this editor is the question: why do people seek to control other people ?? I seriously do not get it.

But that is a digression.

Point of post: to be fair to Obama while making the point that he promised to be different and made no concerted effort to fulfill that promise.

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