According to Obama, some can make millions in bonuses and some cannot. Depends on whether you are friend or foe.


Understand that Obama is not against CEO's making obscene amounts of money - just folks who are not his allies. You know that Obama has an unelected, unapproved, "czar" who is incharge of executive pay rates. He - without having approval of Congress - has the power to forfeit or limit executive pay and commissions.

Think he'll go after GM executives? Union leaders? Departments heads at the various federal agencies? Folks like GE's Jeffery Immelt?

So it is alright for the GM head to make NINE MILLION DOLLARS. Understand that we don't care who makes what, but Obama does. GM can make the big bucks but AIG cannot take home the 5 million given to him, last year. Remember when the SEUI thugs went to this fellows home and camped on his front porch? And the next week, the very next week, the heads of Fannie and Freddie made 6 million each and that was just fine.

And Obama can make 5.5 million dollars, but in his words, "I'm the president."

Anyone still remember when we were all free?

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