Obama files suit against Arizona -- Strangely, the filing leaves off the criticism used most by Obama - racial profiling.

FoxNews and others carry headlines that read, Administration files suit against Az immigration law. DOJ filed suit against Arizona for two legal reasons: "preeminent authority"- arguing that the Federal law preempts State law ; secondly, the Arizona law, should it go into effect, would place too much of a burden on the Federal government.

What is interesting is the fact that there is no mention of civil rights or the potential violation of a person's civil rights or "racial profiling." THAT was the overwhelming argument used by both Obama and Eric Holder until now.

Translation: the Administration knows that the profiling issue is not a winnable issue, in this case.

None of us should be concerned about the filing of this suit. That is how our laws are tested -- not in riots and third world immaturities.

The Administration has actually filed five lawsuits including an injunction preventing the implementation of this Arizona law on July 29.

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