Editor's notes: A supporter of the Marxist/Socialist, Hillary Clinton, has written an article detailing the "civil war" within the Socialist Democrat Party. You can read the story at the Huffington Post, a Marxist rag that celebrates the death of traditional America. What is not widely reported is this particular story -- the division that exists within this socialist party.
Hispanic leadership: American Hispanics have expressed great disappointment in Mr. Obama, pointing to his promise to pass immigration last year when he had a 60 member majority in the Senate to compliment the super majority in the House. Obama's polling numbers within the Hispanic community have grown to become quite "normal," losing 40% his election numbers within this particular demographic. Many of them will not "come back."
The anti-war crowd: He left the impression, during the campaign, that he was going to pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan IN TOTAL by the end of 2011. It is now evident that 50 to 60 thousand troops will remain in Iraq for years to come - as they should. And, the Afghanistan War will continue for another two, three or more years - what with the appointment of General Patraeus.
It is now more than obvious that Obama will not close GITMO. He continues to use the hated but revised Patriot Act and the process of rendition. And, the reconstitution of "General Betray Us" by one of the good general's biggest critics (Obama) is almost beyond belief for these liberal day-dreamers.
The environmentalist: The environmental community is especially angry with Obama's failure in the Gulf. His refusal to treat the crisis with any sense of immediacy may have condemned the Gulf economy (287 billion dollars per year) to years of recovery and financial distress for years to come --- not to mention the environmental disaster that is yet to manifest itself. No one knows just how much harm will come to the shrimp in the Gulf, the clam beds and aquatic life in general and the marshlands of the Gulf Coast.
Obama no longer has any hope of coming up with an energy policy. Understand that an energy bill here and a comprehensive energy speech there do not make an energy policy.
Public Option socialist supporters: Few on the Right understand just how disappointed the ultra-liberal is over the fact that the "public option" was not in the bill. Of course, given enough time, many of the goals of a "public option" will come to fruition. Therein is the rub, "given enough time." Healthcare reform is now the law of the land but the law is far from being fully written. Parts of the bill will be revised, some of the bill will be repealed and all of the bill will have -- in time -- the distinct mark of a conservative, pro free-market influence.
Midknight Review continues to remind its readership that Obama spent a recorded 3/4 of a billion dollars winning an election by just 6.5 % of the popular vote. We believe that he has lost all of that "majority" in addition to an additional 6 or 7 million votes. Today, according to Rasmussen, Obama's remains at a 45% mark with regard to his approval rating and only 32% of Independents support the man. --- jds
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