July 21, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Frustrated at the Justice Department's lawsuit against Arizona's new immigration law, a Republican congressman introduced a bill demanding that the attorney general also take action against so-called "sanctuary cities," which discourage immigration enforcement... (more)


ANN COULTER — The Democrats are depressed about their collapsing poll numbers, so it's time to start calling conservatives "racist." As we now know from the Journolist list-serv, where hundreds of liberal journalists chat with one another, and which was leaked to Daily Caller this week, journalists cry "racism" whenever they need to distract from bad news for Obama... (more)


A.W.R. HAWKINS — When Gov. Jan Brewer signed Arizona's now famous immigration bill into law on April 23, it was immediately evident that she had crossed a line that President Obama didn't want her to cross. Thus his administration quickly reviewed lessons learned from years in the Chicago political machine and began using PR tactics to shame Brewer into a retraction... (more)


WASHINGTON TIMES — It now appears that two more states, Maryland and New Mexico, will join Pennsylvania in using tax dollars to kill unborn children. As the National Right to Life Committee discovered, federally funded high-risk insurance pools in these states include "pre-existing condition" insurance plans that cover abortion... (more)


ASSOCIATED PRESS — A federal judge is blocking Arizona from implementing a state law that eliminates
domestic partner benefits for gay and lesbian state employees... (more)


Top ten most left-biased American journalists -- #1: Helen Thomas

  1. Helen Thomas, UPI/Independent

  2. Joe Klein, Time Magazine

  3. Paul Krugman, The New York Times

  4. Chuck Todd, NBC

  5. Cynthia Tucker, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

  6. Rick Sanchez, CNN

  7. Howard Fineman, Newsweek

  8. Christiane Amanpour CNN

  9. Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

  10. Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

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