This editor spent a little time viewing additional video. One such video, for which there was no embedded code [so I can't reproduce it here], shows that the questionable explosion actually occurred after 10 to 15 feet of the nose had entered the building -- you will have to take my word for it. Understand that when we go to "slow mo" on some of these video's, the resulting view is [often] NOT enhanced but, rather, distorted. Midknight Review thinks this is what has happened in this case.
And then there is the problem regarding the crash site for flight 93. First reporting told the viewer there did not appear to be plane debris. This editor must admit that this fact was more than troublesome. Here are the first reports of this crash site:
If we are not reminded that the plane's black box was found, we might believe that nothing of flight 93 was discovered at the crash site. In addition to the black box, there is this aerial photo [below] of the crash site. Apparently, Flight 93 was in a full vertical dive -- in other words, it came straight down. The aerial photo clearly shows the plane's outline (wings and fuselage). Understand that the fuel on the aircraft acted as if it were a furnace with the airplane's fuselage and wing structure forced directly into the resulting infernal. One would not expect to see large debris fragments if any at all, in such a case.

Finally, the greater question relating to 9-11 is Building 7. It collapsed in similar fashion to the Twin Towers, but no plane struck that building. This editor has seen some very interesting video concerning this particular event. More on this later --- jds.
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