It is being reported that the containment cap sitting on top of the broken Horizon well-head has been hit by a mechanical robot working at the well's outlet and has been removed because of damage incurred in the collision. The well-head is now spewing oil into the Gulf waters unabated. Understand that we are now looking at the worst case scenario in this on-going tragedy and it will be a month or more before there is any hope of resolving the matter.
Midknight Review was the first to predict 200 million gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf before the well is capped or imploded. At the new estimate of 4 million gallons per day [suggest three weeks ago by a group of scientists] , we may be under reporting the disaster !! At the suggested rate of "release," 4 million gallons per day, we have already exceeded 240 million gallons of oil on our way to 400 million gallons. To date, it is not evident as to how much damage to marine life has been effected. But we believe that at current rates of flow, the damage will become evident and "evident" because of its enormity. If this were a large structure fire, the building would be "fully engulfed" and out of control. That is where we are in this crisis ---- and we have absolutely no leadership on a Federal level in this matter --- jds.
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