Read our headline. Let it sink in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now, think about this: Obama has access to billions of dollars without having to account for the use of that funding. Fannie and Freddie have been labeled "GSE." That means they are quasi-government agencies, designated "Government Sponsored Enterprise," and as such, the Freedom of Information Act does NOT apply. There are GOP congressmen trying to find out what is going on with Fannie and Freddie whose inquiries have been rejected and without recourse.
Bad ! But things get worse.
Remember that 70 billion dollar bailout given to GM ? Months after the fact, we found out that they were only going to pay back 6.5 billion dollars. The rest of it went to the company in terms of purchased stock and, wala, the legacy retirement/medical fund of that auto union was saved. Ok. Since the bailout, GM has done nothing but bleed money. Not a single quarter of last year was found to represent a profit for GM. In fact, the company lost more than 4 billion dollars in the last quarter 2009, ending in December. Suddenly, at the end of the first quarter of 2010, we are told that GM has made enough money to pay off its 6.5 billion dollar debt (forget the remaining 63 billion), five years early. And today, we are being told that GM made a profit of $800 million in the first quarter of this year, as well. We cannot say "B ^*! S@^*" so, in stead, we talk of "barnyard" and in this case, our term is "chunky style barnyard." You get the message and we remain sin free !!!!! PTL !!
If you want something to do, this evening, try writing all this down and make it add up to a truthful accounting. Midknight Review cannot do it without thinking that somehow, the most transparent President in the history of this country, took money out of Fannie or Freddie to help GM register this rather preposterous report and made it impossible to find out if Freddie helped Barry commit this criminal act, if, in fact, it is criminal.
We are not looking at simple incompetence, here, not at all. Rather, fraud and deceit in massive proportions are being laid upon the backs of the American taxpayer. " Transfer wealth to its rightful owners" ???? That's what these jerks keep saying. They never seem to get around to telling us that the "rightful owners" are the leftist politicians who intend to prey on the "middle class" while lining their own pockets and tearing down all that this country has stood for over the past 200 years. --- jds
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