Obama's failure as an administrator has hit the fan - the resulting mess is the Gulf of Mexico.

Well, there he is on his official three hour tour of the Gulf scene. Rather than having planned a series of meetings, giving credence to Gov. Bobby Jindal's solutions for the rescue of his Louisiana coast or taking the lead in dealing with this mess, he does what he does best, squat and talk.

Did you know that he took time to lecture the press on the significance of those little oil clumps ? Ah, another tribute to his intellectual prowess. And in the end, we have this picture - a wannabe administrator not knowing what to do or say, walking around the beach front, waiting for someone to say, "We had better be going, Mr. President."

This is exactly why he doesn't work in the Oval Office . . . . . . he has no clue as to the job of the Chief Administrator. On election day, he must have thought, "This is going to be easy. All I have to do is turn the job of governance over to a select fellowship of people and, wala, I get all the credit." He talked tough about GITMO but had no plan - I mean how hard could closing that prison be ??

We'll leave Iraq in 2010 and claim credit for the [Bush] victory. Another easy slam dunk - but, then, someone succeeded in convincing Obama that at least 50,000 troops would have to stay and he needed a plan for leaving the country.

Afghanistan ? Easy. The Greatest Fighting machine in the world would defeat a rag-tag army and come home. What's hard about that?

Meet with your generals? Why would anyone do that? After all, Obama had determined his strategy for Iraq without and before a single meeting with any of the commanders of that war. The really big problem? Turns out that it is not a good idea to share your plans for retreat with your enemy. So we wait until next July (2011) to see what happens. His Afghan generals are trying to tell us that victory through well announced retreat will not work. But no one of import is listening -- unless, of course, it is the voter in the coming midterm election.

The economy was another area that seemed surprisingly simple. Obama would spend money like a drunken tyrant and the national free market economy would heal itself. By the end of 2009, the nation found itself in financial chaos, the “President” claiming victory over a Bush-caused recession . . . a “jobless” recovery was announced and things have gotten worse.

And now, we have the “squat and talk” photo shoot included in this post. Nothing has changed in 17 months of “administration.” He has no plan so he yells, “Fix the damn hole.” Geeesh.

Imagine for a moment that you are a building contractor. You get a job, hire a crew and send them out to finish the work. Things are fine until a problem arises that needs your attention. The men call and tell you, “Boss, we need your help out here.” Rather than visit the job site to see what the problem is, you stay home, polish your golf clubs and hope that “no news is good news. “ Finally, another phone call and another request for help. Now, you have to do something. So you yell into the phone’s transmitter, “Stop calling me. Just fix the damn problem. This thing is eating me alive. Fix the problem.” Well, of course that cannot work as a job strategy. So, you finally go out to the job site. You walk around looking at “things,” kick clods of dirt with your foot, pick up a loose 16 penny nail and stare at it for awhile, have your wife take some pictures with the crew and go home.

Sounds kind of like the contractor doesn’t know his proverbial from a blown out deep water well head, does it? ---- jds.


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