You may not believe this headline BUT -- Arizona is winning the popularity battle being waged by Marxist Dems against protecting its citizens

Editor's notes: In every recent in-State poll, the folks in Arizona support the recently passed enforcement bill effecting illegal immigration into that State to the tune of 68% . Sharpton and his looters and loafers are traveling to the state in protest. The major media continues to misstate the bill's provision and the Marxists at MSNBC persist in their lies against the bill. And now, recent polls (including Rasmussen) show that 70% of out-of-state Americans agree with the Arizona law.

Just four days ago, the Dems changed course in the Senate, and dropped efforts on climate change to take on immigration. As of today, the immigration effort has been taken off the front burner and shelved !! What happened? Public opinion happened. And truth in reporting. The American voter is finding out that the Arizona bill profoundly forbids profiling, that Mexicans will not and cannot be pulled over and searched simply because they look like Mexicans. It is obvious to this editor that Democrat internal polls show a "no win" circumstance for the Dems if they proceed with immigration "amnesty" legislation.

On an anecdotal level, this editor once dated a Mexican girl. She looked the part with a strong Aztec influence while her full blood sister (same mom and dad) looked as white as a baby sitter in the middle of Montana. A trip to Mexico, if you survive, will present you with a huge Mexican population that looks wholly European, reflecting their Spanish heritage. How is "racial profiling" possible when a huge part of the Mexican population looks European ????

Understand that the Democrat Party is desperate to find an issue that will turn the tide in their favor come November 2nd. They were told that public opinion would turn in their favor as soon as the healthcare bill passed. Exactly the opposite happened and the bad news concerning this reform bill keeps coming. They sacrificed hard work on the economy and serious jobs legislation to pass the healthcare monster and, now, they are about to pay the price for that decision. --- jds

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