As you listen to this video ( it is only 2:42 seconds long), pay attention to Obama's enlistment targets. We have women, Latino's, Blacks, and young people -- no "whites" although white women are probably included in his charge; no white men, no senior citizens, none of the business community - small or large, no conservative/liberal partnering, no body in the professional banking community (are they ALL evil capitalistic despots?), not even the media (but, of course, much of the media is in his back pocket). What we have, here, is the first fruits of a "we versus them" 2010 and 2012 campaign strategy.
In this video, Obama credits the 2010 strategy of renewing the enthusiasm of 2008 first time voters to the common voices of those whom "they" have recently polled, when, of course, nothing of the kind is the case. Obama only pretends that his strategy is a grassroots concern. Obama has had his 2010 AND 2012 strategies in mind since early in 2007, if not before. Let's not forget that he is a community organizer. What once seemed to be a rather petty qualification for the Presidency is now seen as major strategic philosophical tutorial on re-election "science." And what is the function of a Chicago based community organizer? To manipulate those who will listen to promises of social and financial benefit (redistributive wealth), transforming them into a corporate body of blind followers willing to do his political bidding.
Obama is not the first to try this strategy but he is the first to make this a primary election strategy. As a result, he has determined that a "move to the middle" is not necessary. He believes there are more than enough Americans disenfranchised with the "American dream" that victory, for him and his Socialist Democrat Party, is merely an activist phone call away.
As you watch this video, understand that you are listening to the best populace subversive this country has ever seen. He could make "poison in the soup" sound like a wonderful alternative dietary supplement. In a sense, that is exactly what he is trying to accomplish. Midknight Review has September 9th, 2009 date on its calendar as the very speech in which Obama made it clear that he was drawing lines in the sand, that those who crossed the line would become targets, that he would " call out" any who challenged his rhetorical claims.
He cares nothing for the trouble he is helping to cause in Arizona. He appears to prefer the conflict and the lies fostering that conflict. He has set race relations back 50 years and continues to appeal to that tension. We now know that his first reaction to the arrest of the black activist, a Professor Gates, ("the police acted stupidly" ) was the typical reaction of a race baiting politician preparing to increase tentions and use the resulting divide to remair in power. Will he make a move to remain in office beyond the two term limit? Does he have that in mind? Well, we simply do not know. What is clear, however, is that nothing should be taken for granted when it comes to this stranger in our White House. --- jds
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