What President takes pictures such as these, used crack, and trained for politics in Chicago? But of course we are way off base !!

What president in our history has taken a picture such as the ones in this post? You do know that the man smoked pot and did crack. Was he (is he) a crack addict? We do not know. We only have his word on the matter and we all know how dependable his words are.

From one of Chicago's own publications, we have this story. As you read, understand that your president (at least some of you) came from this cesspool of political corruption and radicalized Socialist/Marxists. It is the home of the Black Muslims, the hate industry with its chaplain, Reverend Jeremiah Wright (you didn't see his church's website before Obama ran for president, did you? We didn't think so), Louis Farrakhan, and the Dailey Machine. This is the home town of Barack Obama. He has spent his whole life trianing to be both a tough guy and an intellectual.

And here is that story:

Cook County has been a "dark pool of political corruption" for more than a century, a new study by the University of Illinois at Chicago says.

Nearly 150 employees, politicians and contractors in the nation's second-largest county have been convicted on corruption charges since 1957, according to a report released Thursday by the university and the Better Government Association (.pdf)

The 33-page study gives a history of corruption, starting from 1869 when county commissioners were jailed for rigging a bid to paint City Hall. It also details hiring scandals, including some under Cook County Board President Todd Stroger. Stroger hasn't been charged with any crime.

In the last 36 years, 31 sitting or former Chicago alderman have been convicted of corruption or other crimes. The last was Ike Carothers (29th), who earlier this month plead guilty to charges he accepted gifts in exchange for his votes on zoning issues.


Editor's notes: this is a Chicago publication reporting on a 33 page report that reviewed 36 years of corruption. If Obama was not committed to the practice of saying one thing and doing the opposite, this story would not appear in Midknight Review. But his rhetorical habits are what they are and his Chicago heritage helps to explain why he is what he is.

As a community organizer, Obama is use to threatening business folk to get what he wants, so he closes the doors to his white house and threatens the banking industry into taking money they did not want. Ditto for his takeover of GM and Chrysler. His union flunkies were in trouble, so he stole the profits of certain police and teacher union investments, gave the auto union 71 trillion dollars that are NOT required to be paid back and gave the rest of the nation the finger when we all objected.

Understand that virtually nothing of Obama's Chicago history including his collegiate days remains in existence. There is nothing on this guy. How does that happen without there being a deliberate effort to expunge that which should have never been hidden?

This is the very reason the birther issue will not go away -- Obama has hidden 90% of his past, why not throw in the birth certificate controversy?

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