Four days ago this Index stood at a minus 17. Understand that Obama's voter approval numbers remain at 50% or below and have been there since November 16th. Yesterday, the Rasmussen voter approval number went up to 50% for the first time in nearly three months but was down to 49% again, today.
The Index, pictured in this post, is a measure of the enthusiasm of those for and against this president. His side of the political aisle is somewhat energized. What has struck their fancy was the combativeness of the State of the Union Address and the heightened confrontational tone of Obama when he invaded the the annually GOP Caucus Conference held this past weekend. It is this last performance that is most responsible for the increased passion of his disciples. Good news for Obama, of course.
Any bad news for the man? Oh, you betcha !!!
He will have no other similar opportunities to perform without paying for them and running them as a part of the 2010 campaign effort. Before the end of this week, Midknight Review expects the index to begin to fade a bit. We do not expect the Index to rise above a plus 4 or the most likely voter approval numbers to go above 53%. Time will tell and we will pass it on to you when it does --- jds.
Update: 2/2/2010: A day later, the Index has fallen back to a minus 7. We thought he wwould get more of a bump -- but the week is not over -- jds.
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