Mark Levin, a Constitutional lawyer and one of the more popular conservative radio hosts, does not care for Glenn Beck ----- does not like his antics, does not care for Beck's relentless attack on the GOP. This editor listens to the radio programs of both men. In fact, we take time during each week to listen to each of the top four Conservative commentators on the radio, namely Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and Levin.
Limbaugh and Hannity have stayed away from criticism of Beck. Levin is not so polite about the man. Here are his words on Beck as of Monday, the 22nd.
Note: Mark Levin is not the only conservative sounding an alarm on Beck. Bill Bennett, one of the fathers of the conservative grassroots movement, is also dismayed with some of Beck's rhetoric. Bennett was not happy with Beck's CPAC keynote speech.
Here is our overview of each of these pundits:
Rush Limbaugh: truly, the big dog of conservative talk and (in our opinion) conservative strategic thinking. He is no fan of John McCain and does not feature McCain as a guest. In fact, McCain is THE poster boy for all that is wrong with the GOP, according to Limbaugh. He speaks to 30 million different people during the course of a month, 4 to 5 million a day. Limbaugh has his rants - and they take a good amount of time when he gets on one. But, the fact remains that he covers more news stories than any of the remaining three. Limbaugh does not identify with the Libertarian Party, either for or against that Party. His concern is for the reconstitution of the GOP. Without Limbaugh, we might not have conservative talk, either on the radio or in FoxNews. Limbaugh is the single most important conservative voice in today's American politic.
Sean Hannity: Sean is a the bulldog in the crowd. He features bipartisan debate but the selection of those from the Left appearing on his show is somewhat fixed. If you listen to Hannity on a regular basis, you have heard his lists. They do change from time to time but he will not develop more than 5 or 6 lists in any given year. He is much more a than he admits and is the only of the four men who will host John McCain and give him rhetorical support. Of course he is critical of McCain on a number of issues, but does not share the same degree of angst with McCain as do his compadres. He is all about saving the GOP. He is most definitely not a Libertarian, although the conservative politic of the Libertarian Party is most agreeable to Hannity. He is no fan of Ron Paul. He is the most partisan of the four when it comes to Republican politics.
Mark Levin: on the radio, at least, Levin is the most aggressive of the four. If you do not agree with "Dr. Levin," you do not want to call his show. You will not last 10 seconds. He simply will not entertain liberal opinions on his show, believing that the purpose of liberalism is about the destruction of free market individualism and traditional Constitutional opinion. There are true conservatives and then there is the MSNBC radical. Nearly all liberals are in this last category. He knows more about the Constitution than any of the four and would be the guy standing on the front line of any war against enemies of the state. He is the only conservative radio voice openly critical of Beck. His concern with Beck is that he is fostering division. His radio rankings are not as strong as the remaining three, but strong nonetheless. He does not identify with the Libertarians and is much opposed to Ron Paul (as are Hannity and Limbaugh).
Glenn Beck: the rising star in the crowd. Since leaving the CNN network, his numbers have skyrocketed. Like Hannity, he has a daily one hour show on FoxNews and his own three hour radio show. His radio show is currently the #3 show on national radio and may be stronger than #2 Hannity at this writing. He has tied himself to the Tea Party Movement but is not the "father" of that movement. He is a fan of Ron Paul and is a avid Libertarian. He has no love for McCain and, like Levin and Limbaugh, sees McCain as the poster child of all that is wrong the the GOP. We see Beck as an extremely important conservative voice but our view of a "progressive" politician is not shaped by Beck's opinion. With Beck, if you act like a progressive on any level, you are a progressive. For example, he sees George Bush as an evil progressive because of G.W,'s growth of government. We emphatically disagree. To date, that is our only complaint of the man. Having said that, he is the best of the four at identifying the historicity of Progressivism within this country.
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