Typical Liberal Trash and how they really feel about Limbaugh.

And this garbage was printed in a newspaper.

Published Dec 30 2009, 11:34 PM by Carly Carioli
  1. demonbaby
    demonbaby Come on 2009! There's time for one more!! RT @BreakingNews: Rush Limbaugh rushed to hospital in Honolulu after suffering chest pains.
  2. Black Canseco
    BlackCanseco I wonder what Rush Limbaugh will think of healthcare reform come Monday. Hmmm...
  3. J-Breezy The Poet
    WatchJ Rush Limbaugh is in the hospital with severe chest pains...God if u can read this tweet please give him a black doctor. Thanks
  4. Brian McFadden
    BigFatWhale I hope Rush Limbaugh isn't exaggerating his symptoms like Michael J Fox did.
  5. Bill Palmer
    billpalmer come on God, I don't ask you for much, and I very rarely ask you to smite anyone. but please kill Rush Limbaugh tonight.
  6. Dennis Stangl
    djstangl Breaking news - Rush Limbaugh has a heart!
  7. Richard Zangrillo
    plan9production Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital. I told him Oxycontin and bacon cheeseburgers were a dangerous mix.
  8. Ashley Stephens
    Ashley_Stephens So...if Rush Limbaugh dies in Hawaii, will his listeners believe the death certificate?
  9. Tristan Thomas
    ItzTrizz617 so rush limbaugh did go to

How do we deal with this? Just shine it on. Rush always talks about having half his brain tied behind his back "just to make it fair." Here is living proof why that statement is true.

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